17; goodbyes

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Yoongi felt dead at school the next day.

Her funeral was just the next day and he was personally invited by her parents. Hana and Hoseok too.

He walked home that day alone, no happiness or positivity tugging at him at all.

How could he when she's gone?

Yoongi reached home and Namjoon was greeted by a slam of the front door and his bedroom door. He fell onto his pillow which were soon soaked in his tears.


Yoongi was woken up the next morning by knocking at his window and he lazily opened his eyes. He saw Hana sitting outside his window on the roof. He quickly turned to his alarm clock and it showed that he had 30 minutes left till his set alarm will ring.

He sighed and opened his window.

"What are you doing here so early, Hana?" he's voice was hoarse. Without saying anything, Hana just hugged him tightly and he hugged back. It was quite an uncomfortable position for Hana, so Yoongi carried her into the bedroom.

She stroked his dusty orange dyed hair. "I'm here for you Yoongi. During her funeral, after her funeral, forever," she said. And Yoongi cried for the nth time.


School passed by excruciatingly slow. Hana had sat beside Yoongi to comfort him whenever she needed to. She had already forgotten the feud she had on Yoongi, she can't bear to see him bawling anymore. She wanted to make him better.

She still remembers how worried and scared he was on the day Eunmi was sent to the hospital from the school at night. He looked as if he was breaking when he heard about Eunmi's illness. Her death has sent him over the edge.

Mrs and Mr Park were supposed to pick them up an hour after school ended, so they changed into the clothes they were to wear at the funeral.

Yoongi fixed his suit and stared into the mirror. He touched his dyed hair that Eunmi had ruffled many times. He took in deep breaths and closed his eyes.

You can do this, Yoongi.

He stepped out of the toilet and saw the twins already waiting for him. Hoseok looked at his watch.

"We have about half an hour left till the Parks come," the male twin stated.

Yoongi turned to his left and saw the music room. He absent mindedly walked towards it and entered. The twins just followed him.

He sat down on the stool in front of the piano and opened it. It appeared to be dusty. He hasn't played it since she entered the hospital that night.

"It's a bit funny that we're singing that song during autumn, huh?"

The memory echoed in his mind and he smiled. The twins leaned on the door frame, looking at him sadly.

"At least he's actually smiling," Hoseok sighed. Hana was about to agree when Yoongi played a key. Loud enough for the hallways outside to be filled with the sound.

He began to play a song.

I'm not the only traveler

who has not repaid his debt

He began to sing softly.

I've been searching for a trail to follow again

take me back to the night we met

He began to frown and close his eyes, but he still played the keys flawlessly.

I had all and then most of you.

Some and now none of you.

Take me back to the night we met.

He pressed on the keys harder, as if he was angry.

I don't know what i'm supposed to do

haunted by the ghost of you.

take me back to the night we met.

He stopped doing what he was doing when Hoseok tapped his shoulder.

"Yoongi, they're here early," Yoongi nodded and got up.

And then he was on his way to say goodbye.


They sat down at their assigned seats and listened to the speeches given by people who were in Eunmi's life.

Jimin went up too, on the verge of breaking down as he talked about how Eunmi was really a sister and a mother figure together in his life.

Hoseok helped him calm down after he was done and sat him down.

It was time for the others to say their last farewell before going about with their daily life. They were each given a sweet pea flower each to which they were supposed to put into her coffin after they were done. The flower represented their last goodbye and as their thank you to her for giving them such a lovely time.

Eunmi was dressed in white that almost matched with her pale skin. Yoongi placed the flower on her heart and accidentally brushed against her arm lightly and he felt how cold she was.

"Yah, Park Eunmi," Yoongi called out, as if she would reply. "You're cold. You get sick easily, remember?" he laughed. Everyone except his friends looked as if he was crazy. Hana pulled him away before he could do anything else.


i love you

秋思 :autumn melancholy  ;  m.ygTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon