10 ; truth

16 2 7

Yoongi stood there, frozen.

"Eunmi? Eunmi!" he barely heard Jimin's shouting, the ringing in his ear was too loud. Thousands of thoughts ran through his head.

Jimin grabbed hold of him and together they ran towards Eunmi.

Jimin turned her to lie on her back and he began checking her breath. He seemed panic after he didn't feel any air going out of her nose.

"We have to call the ambulance," Yoongi blankly said. Jimin nodded. He began performing CPR on her, his training at his school paid off. Yoongi whipped out his phone to call the ambulance and stared at Eunmi, wide eyed. She began to show improvement, her chest began to move, but she was having difficulty breathing.

"Hello, what's your emergency?"


Yoongi sat down at the waiting room, unable to think. Jimin had his head against the wall. Yoongi had called Hana and Hoseok, and they got to the hospital in no time. Coincidentally, they came at the same time as Eunmi's parents.

The black haired male quickly stood up and bowed to them. "I'm so sorry, i tried to get her here as fast as possible-"

he was cut off by Mrs Park hugging him tightly. "It's ok, you got her here," she cooed and stroked his head, as if he were their child as well.

They sat down at the chairs placed there, and they waited for the doctors call.

The doctor came after half and hour, and requested that Eunmi be with her relatives first.

Ten minutes passed and Eunmi's parents left the room. Yoongi saw the doctor speaking to the both of them, the duo nodding as response of their understanding.

Mrs Park signaled that the rest of them were allowed to see her, and they rushed to the door. They suddenly stopped as Yoongi held onto the door handle.

"I think that it's better you see her alone first, Yoongs," Hoseok suggested. The black haired male nodded and slowly slid open the door.

Eunmi was on the hospital bed, her brown hair covering almost all of her face.

But the tear that rolled down her cheek did not go unnoticed.

"Eunmi?" Yoongi quietly said, and the female quickly shot up her head. She looked the other away and rubbed her eyes hard.

"Y-yoongi? Yo-you're h-here? It's like 10pm! Si-silly mini," she laughed nervously as Yoongi made his way to the bed. Her hair covered the right side of her face and her eyes were bloodshot from crying.

"Eunmi, what happened to you?" Yoongi interrogated. He knew she was hiding something.

"I just got a l-little breathless, y'know? Y-you see, i ran to the cat and my lungs kind of-" Yoongi cut her off by taking her hand.

"Park Eunmi, you're terrible at lying."

Eunmi's eyes widened and she looked away. "Hey, what happened to nicknames?"

"Eunmi, i'll ask one more time. What happened to you?"

She looked back at him, giving a sad smile. A smile that said 'you sure you wanna know?'.

"I tried to ignore it. I tried. But it caught up to me. I was sick. I-i am sick," she choked on her words.

"What do you mean?" Yoongi held her hand tighter, sensing that she was going to cry soon.

She smiled her eye smile, tears threatening to fall.

"I have obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy."


"The walls of my left ventricle of my heart is thickened."


"Because of that, blood flowing out of the ventricle is blocked."


"It causes my heart to work harder than the normal one does."

Why you?

"That's why i get breathless easily."


"My heart can stop anytime."

She began laughing like a maniac.

"You want more? Guess what? I'm not a new student. I was at here since i was 15. I was a nobody. Nobody noticed me," she chuckled.

"I don't blame them. I was barely at school. The hospital became my second home."

Yoongi didn't say anything. The information was too overwhelming.

Eunmi put her head on Yoongi's shoulder and tears began flowing down her cheeks. He stroked her hair, calming her down before he spoke.

"Eunmi." He called her and she put her head up, staring into his eyes.

"I'll stay with you in your journey. I promise you that i'll stick by your side."

i love you

Eunmi smiled softly and put her hand on his chest. "That's very sweet of you, mini,"

i love you

There was a knock on the door, signaling that it was the others' turn to visit her. Yoongi let go of her Eunmi's hand and walked towards the door, before she stopped him.

"Oh, Yoongi,"


"I don't have very long to live."

秋思 :autumn melancholy  ;  m.ygWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu