11; broken

16 2 9

Yoongi could hear Hana's cries from inside the room, Eunmi had revealed the truth to the twins. He squatted outside of the room, tears soon rolling down his cheeks.

why does it have to be you?

of all people, why you?

The twins left the room and the doctor went in for her checkup. Hana squatted beside Yoongi and put her arm around him.

"Hey, Yoongs. How are you feeling?" Hana's eyes were red from crying. Yoongi looked at her, giving her a smile.

"I'm just feeling great, Hana," he said sarcastically.

"If only i didn't know her, then i wouldn't have cared," he continued. "If only you had fought with the teacher to stay seated beside me, i wouldn't have talked to Eunmi. I wouldn't have known her at all,"

Hana stood up. She was fuming. "Are you saying that this is all my fault? Huh, Min Yoongi?" she practically shouted. Yoongi stared back at her.

"I would rather have you holding the sickness, not Eunmi,"

Hana's heart broke into a million pieces. She wanted to break down right there, but she had to stay strong, she knew Yoongi wasn't himself.

"Why would you say that? Why are you suddenly blaming me for all that happened? You're not in the right state of mind now, Yoongi. Cut it out!"

Yoongi walked over to slap her. It was true. Yoongi was crazy at that moment. So crazy that he would slap his best friend.

But Jimin held him back and Hoseok pulled Hana away.

"I'm sorry then, ok? Min Yoongi, i'm sorry. I'm sorry that i don't have the disease. I'm sorry that i'm worth less than the girl you known for a little bit over a month. I'll just take the total blame. i'm sorry," With that, Hana ran off.

i'm sorry for loving you.

She ran to god knows where, she just kept running.

Yoongi, on the other hand, just stayed there frozen. What the hell did i just say?

How could i blame her for all of this?

How could i have wished for her to die?

What's wrong with me?

"Yoongi, what the fuck is wrong with you? Find Hana and apologize to her right now," Hoseok was trying his best to not pounce on Yoongi and rip out his throat. Hoseok pointed to the direction of the hospital's garden.

Almost everyone in the area was staring at him as he walked over to the garden.


Hana was there, sitting on a bench, crying her heart out. She wanted to give up on Yoongi. The words were carved onto her heart. She knew Yoongi was crazy at that moment, but it still hurt. It hurt knowing that you were worth less than someone else to Yoongi.

Yoongi found her and he sat down beside her. Hana shot her head up and frowned.

"Fuck off, Min Yoongi." was all she said before she put her head back between her legs. Yoongi sighed before he began apologizing.

"Hana, you know i didn't mean anything i said. I'm sorry. I was crazy, it's late at night and to receive the news is hard for me,"

"You think it's not hard for me too? You think my eyes were red for nothing? And then to have you suddenly say those things to me made it worse. I don't think i can forgive you now," she shot without looking at him.

"Please, Hana, i-"

"Leave, Yoongi."

don't go.

"i just wanted-"

"I said leave!"

please don't go.

Yoongi sighed and got up. He walked away, leaving Hana a crying mess.


Eunmi didn't go to school the next day, obviously. Hana hasn't talked to Yoongi even after school ended. The twins quickly left the school. But not before Hoseok talked to Yoongi without Hana noticing.

"We're going to the hospital today. Be there if you wanna talk to Hana," Hoseok swiftly said before Hana came and dragged him out of the school.

Yoongi took a different route to the hospital, a longer one. He wanted the duo to be in the room before him. That way, Hana wouldn't be able to run away.

He soon reached the hospital and opened Eunmi's door. Hana was on the bed talking to Eunmi while Hoseok was at the foot, smiling. The three of them turned to look at the visiter, and Hana's expression changed. She looked away to the floor.

"Hi, Mini! Come and sit down!" Eunmi chirped, unaware of Hana's and Yoongi's feud.

"Eunmi, your tea's finished. I-I'll get you some more at the cafe," Hana offered, clearly finding a way to not be in the same room as the black haired male. Hoseok pursed his lips at this.

Hana was making her way out of her room when Yoongi grabbed her arm. "I'll follow you,"

She stared at him, clearly showing signs that he should back off. "But you just got here," she tried to find excuses.

Yoongi insisted, and a few minutes later, they were walking side by side, an awkward atmosphere around them.

Hana quickly paid for the tea before Yoongi could. No matter how hard Yoongi tried, he didn't know what to say to Hana that could make her forgive him. She was after all the most stubborn girl he's met.

They entered the hospital room and Hoseok indicated that the twins had to leave, so Eunmi and Yoongi were left alone.

Eunmi had her legs tucked to her chest as she rocked back and forth, looking out of the window. The strong evening sun rays shone through the room's window, shining on Eunmi's hair, creating a golden brown illusion.

she truly looked like art at that moment.

"It's a beautiful evening," Eunmi wanted to start a conversation. Yoongi nodded in agreement.

"The doctor said i had to minimize the number of times i walk. I'm getting more breathless as time passes."

"Is there like a cure for you?"

"I don't know, Yoongi. I don't know."

Silence filled the air between them after that.

Visiting hours came to an end, and it was time for Yoongi to go home anyways.

Yoongi left and looked into the room through a window only to see

Eunmi crying uncontrollably.

He never asked why when he met her the next day,

because he knew

what happened has broke all of them.

秋思 :autumn melancholy  ;  m.ygOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz