7 ; fall

14 4 1

Hana didn't go to school the next day, so Hoseok went by himself, trudging his heavy feet. Yoongi immediately ran up to him as soon as he was seen.

"Where's Hana? Is she ok?" Yoongi questioned, worry in his voice. Eunmi followed behind him.

Yoongi had not told anyone about yesterday's incident, but he figured out that Hoseok probably knows.

"She's just a little sick, mom told her to stay at home for today," Hoseok answered blankly. He walked past the two of them.

"Wow, those two really need each other. Look how dead Hobi is," Eunmi pointed out. "We should visit her today,"

"Should we?"

"Of course! She's your friend for like years! How can you not visit her when she's sick?" Eunmi playfully scolded. Yoongi beamed.

"All right, we'll visit her."


Yoongi and Eunmi didn't inform Hoseok that they were going to his house, so they just walked there while Hoseok had a dance club meeting. They had stopped by The Jeon Cafe before making their way to the house. Eunmi munched on her coffee bun and sipped on her caramel milkshake while Yoongi's eyes stayed on the ground. He swung the bag that held sandwiches they had bought for Hana.

"So..how did things go last night?" Eunmi asked. Yoongi decided to lie.

"Oh, uh, i talked to her and she said she wasn't feeling well during the debate. She wasn't in the right state of mind so she kind of went crazy, haha..."

"That explains why she isn't at school today,"

Suddenly, a skateboarder zoomed beside Eunmi, slightly knocking into her in the process. However, the impact caused Eunmi to stumble and fall. Yoongi quickly caught her in time, but her food and beverage fell to the ground. But neither of them cared at the moment, because they were lost in each other's eyes.

A few seconds passed and Yoongi snapped out of the moment.

"Hey! Watch where you're going, satan!" Yoongi shouted at the boy, who just ignored him and tugged on his beanie.

"Aigo, my milkshake..." Eunmi grieved as she saw the spilt drink on the ground. Yoongi chuckled and put an arm around her.

"It's ok, i'll buy you another one when we go home, ok?" Yoongi offered. Eunmi pouted and walked away.

"I promise!"


Soon, they reached the twin's home. They knocked on the door and Mrs Jung opened it and she seemed surprise.

"Why hello, Yoongi. And you must be Eunmi!" Mrs Jung said as she shook hands with the brown haired girl.

"Annyeonghaseyo. We're here to visit Hana, we heard that she's sick," Eunmi bowed.

"Well she not exactly sick-" Mrs Jung was interrupted by Hana's shouting.

"If that's the principal asking why i didn't come to school today, tell them to fuck off because i don't give a shit now!" Mrs Jung shuddered as she swore.

"As you can tell, she's a bit grumpy today," Mrs Jung chuckled nervously while Yoongi and Eunmi tried to hold in their laughter. "I'll bring you to her room. I'll prepare refreshments for you both, so come on down after that," Mrs Jung offered. Yoongi and Eunmi bowed.

They entered Hana's room to reveal her curled up in a ball among the sheets of blankets. Music was blasting and there were a lot of tissues on her desk.

"Uhh, Hana?" Hana immediately shot up as she heard Yoongi's voice.

"Eunmi?! Y-yoongi?! What are you doing here?" she stuttered while trying to fix her hair. Yoongi extended out his hand that was holding the bag of sandwiches.

"We got this for you. Heard that you were sick,"

"Oh... that's thoughtful of you two..."

There was a long awkward silence and Eunmi decided to break it.

"Um, i'm going to help Mrs Jung with the refreshments," with that, she quietly left the room, leaving Hana and Yoongi together.



Both of them started at the same time.

"Y-you go first, Hana,"


Hana took a deep breath.

What the hell am i supposed to say to him?

"I'm sorry i acted up last night, was feeling down yesterday,"

"apology accepted,"

Hana nodded and sighed.

"I'm curious though, why'd you talk about me liking Eunmi?"

Hana stiffened. But thank god she had quick thinking.

"When you first saw Eunmi, I saw how you reacted. I saw how you fell in love. I knew. But you didn't tell me, so i-i thought you didn't trust me..." she managed to breathe out. Yoongi nodded in understanding.

How oblivious can you be, Yoongi?

"Pabo, we've known each other for 14 years, why would i not trust you?" Yoongi laughed and Hana smiled softly.

Yes, we've known each other for 14 years

but do you even know me at all?

"Hana! Yoongi! Come down for snacks!" Mrs Jung shouted from the living room. Yoongi took Hana's hand and pulled her along. As they ran down the stairs, Hana giggled at how Yoongi's hair bounced. But she suddenly felt her heart fall, because she finally knew that Yoongi's feelings were true.


Eunmi and Yoongi left after a few hours, and walked home while looking at the strong amber sunset. Leaves fell all around them, creating a calm atmosphere. It had rained earlier, so Eunmi, who had a young heart, splashed the puddles into multiple directions. Yoongi smiled softly at this.

Yoongi looked up, looking at the leaves falling. He stretched out his hands, and managed to catch an orange maple leaf. Eunmi had coincidentally done the same.

"Oh, have you heard about that belief? When you catch a falling maple leaf,-" Eunmi stopped herself. Yoongi looked at her while spinning the leaf. "Yes?"

"You'll fall in love with the person you're walking with." Eunmi continued, and they gazed at each other.

What if i'm already in love with you?

Both of them thought.

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