8; happiness

19 4 6

Few days have passed since the incident, and Hana and Yoongi acted as if nothing had happened between them. Hana has accepted that the boy she loved will never return the feelings, she forced herself to be this way. She had sworn to never let Yoongi know, or she'll die away due to embarrassment.

Tests were coming up, and Yoongi knew he couldn't fail them. At least not terribly. Those results affected his end-of-year grades, and there was no way Yoongi would want to repeat school again. So, of course, he went to the smartest person he knew: Eunmi.

"What's up, mini?" Eunmi giggled. They were at the library and Yoongi suddenly groaned out of frustration. He violently pointed at a math question that he was staring at for hours.

"I. Hate. Algebra." Yoongi half-shouted half- whispered. Eunmi tried to control her laughter. She couldn't help it, Yoongi looked cute when he was stressed. She signaled him to sit closer so she could teach him.

"So you gotta use the cross multiplication for this problem. You know, the one you have to draw a box or something like that..." Yoongi nodded.

"And for this one, you have to use grouping. Arrange them and factorize. I'll show you," Eunmi grabbed his pencil and began working out the solution. Yoongi was half-listening half-focused on Eunmi, she was so beautiful in his eyes.

"Mini, mini!" Eunmi tried to get back his attention. Yoongi blinked a few times before looking at the female with a blank expression.

"Do you get it? I wrote little notes for you about factorizing. Test is just next week, but if you look through the notes, it'll be easy for you," Eunmi motivated Yoongi and pat his back. He just shrugged and shook his head.

"I doubt that. I've never passed maths, even when i was in kindergarten," Eunmi pouted.

"That was all in the past. You're smarter now, and you got me teaching you. You can do this," she beamed. "Fighting!"


Hell day came. The math test.

"So just remember your formulas, ok?" Eunmi dusted off Yoongi's shoulders. Yoongi smiled lightly and gave her a thumbs up. They then proceeded to go back to their seat. They got their test papers and boy, did Yoongi have trouble. Algebra has always angered him, and here he was taking a test where 70% of the topics in it was algebra itself. Yoongi put his head on the table, silently groaning.

He looked at the familiar question before him, and that's when he remembered Eunmi's tutoring.

"So you gotta use the pythagoras's theorem in this one. You know, the a square equals to b square plus c square shit..."

Yoongi quickly penned down what he recalled not too long ago.

Familiar questions started to make Yoongi more confident. He wrote down what he was sure was correct, thanks to Eunmi's teaching.

To Yoongi's surprise, he managed to finish the paper before the given time limit was up, and he was really proud of himself. He usually wouldn't finish the paper. Yoongi's paper that the teacher would receive would only reveal that he had done up to question 2. Now, Yoongi had done all questions, confident that most of his questions were correct, if careless mistakes didn't get in the way.


Ms Lee was famous for her flash marking, so the class got back their test paper as soon as the next day.

"Min Yoongi." the teacher called out his name to collect his paper. Yoongi gulped. Though he was confident about his answers, carelessness was a habit. He turned to Eunmi who motioned him to calm down. He then stood up to receive his paper and sat back down.

"You look at it. I'm too scared," Yoongi shoved the paper into Eunmi's hands. She looked at the test and her eyes widened.

"What? W-what is it? Did i fail? Was it really ba-" Yoongi was cut off by Eunmi hugging him tightly. Yoongi didn't know what to do or what to say. He couldn't even breathe. His face turned red all over. Eunmi let go of the embrace and looked at Yoongi while smiling from ear to ear.

"You got a B, Yoongi! A B! Im so happy for you!" Eunmi pretended to flick off the fake tears from her face. Meanwhile, Yoongi couldn't believe it. To hear those news while still recovering that the girl he loved just hugged him, Yoongi was overwhelmed.

"I think that we should celebrate," Eunmi mischievously chuckled and Yoongi actually got scared.


It's been a few hours since school ended, but Yoongi was still questioning himself on how he ended up in a hair salon, looking through catalogs of hair dyes.

Eunmi had decided to celebrate by dyeing Yoongi's hair. Hana and Hoseok was there to prevent Yoongi from choosing a stupid colour. The hairdresser was patiently waiting for Yoongi to decide on what colour he wanted.

Finally, he chose a colour he thought that he wouldn't regret trying out.

"I'll choose the dusty orange," Yoongi pointed to the colour and the hair dresser, Lisa, nodded.

It took quite a while for the process to finish, but with Lisa's magic, his hair turned out nice and his three friends squealed out with excitement.

"It's great on you!" Hoseok screeched. "It matches the autumn season."

Yoongi looked into the mirror, admiring his newly dyed hair. "Thanks for suggesting me to do this, Eunmi. I hope Namjoon doesn't mind,"

Eunmi nodded as a response, smiling. "I think we should go back home."


Just like any other day, Yoongi and Eunmi looked at the sunset that somehow resembled Yoongi's hair.

"Yoongi." Eunmi grabbed Yoongi's arm before they parted ways.

"I was thinking maybe we should do something more fun," she suggested which caused Yoongi to raise his eyebrows.

"Like what?"

Eunmi grinned mischievously.

"Let's stay overnight at school,"

秋思 :autumn melancholy  ;  m.ygWhere stories live. Discover now