14; time

10 2 9

Eunmi had called Yoongi after school, saying he had an important mission.

"Take a walk to my house and Jimin will answer the door,"


"Just do it. And when Jimin asks why you're there, just say banana hammock and he'll understand."

With that, Eunmi ended the phone call. Yoongi scrunched up his nose in confusion but did what he was told anyways.


"Yoongi hyung? What are you doing here?" Jimin questioned as he opened the Park's front door to reveal Yoongi.

"Uh, banana hammock?"

Jimin nodded and lead him inside the house. However, he then brought him into the basement. Yoongi began having second thoughts.

"W-what the hell is happening," Yoongi tried to run away but Jimin held on to him.

"Can you chill? It's not some torture dungeon. It's Eunmi's secret room," Jimin laughed and opened the basement door. He turned on the light and there revealed art works.

Done by the masterpiece herself.

Park Eunmi.

Yoongi looked around in awe, observing the different creations of art Eunmi did.

"This is where she does art, where there's no distractions, well, to not get distracted by me, most of the time," Yoongi nodded.

"Why did i need to say some password?"

"Oh, that's a code word when Eunmi needs her art materials. We used to do that when she was in the hospital few years back," Jimin explained and walked over to the corner of the room to get what seems like a canvas and oil paint.

"There's different passwords for different materials. Like 'strong power thank you' is for water colour, and 'infires' is for colour pencils, oh and 'you don't know annyeonghaseyo?' is for-"

"I get it, thanks," Yoongi chuckled before the younger could blabber on forever. He left the Park's residence and made his way to the hospital while holding on to Eunmi's precious art supplies.


Yoongi was struggling to hold onto the materials, so he stopped before knocking on the Eunmi's door to fix himself.

"-week left-"

Yoongi heard before he opened the door and interrupted the doctor who was speaking to Eunmi. She got excited as she saw what Yoongi was holding.

"My friend is here. You can go now, Doctor Bam. Thank you," Eunmi smiled warmly who returned a grin.

Yoongi put down her art supplies and she gleefully clapped her hands.

"What are you going to paint?" he asked as he settled down at the foot of her bed.

"It's a secret, i'll show you when i'm done with it," Eunmi grinned. Yoongi smiled at her child like behavior.

The female started on her creation while the other played melodious tones on the piano app in his phone.

A few hours later, Eunmi decided to speak up.

"Yoongi..." she trailed off, as if she was having second thoughts.


"..They're moving me to another room tomorrow, and visiting hours will be strictly limited this time. Half an hour, the most,"


"...The doctor wants to seriously look after my health now," she put her painting brush down.

"But instead of visiting each other, we can call," she smiled, but there wasn't a trail of happiness. Yoongi could tell she was disheartened by the news. He was too. But he didn't show it.

"It's ok, i'll call you every time after school. Maybe even skype, with Hoseok and Hana,"

Eunmi took his hand and he was startled for a second.

"I'll miss you," she said.

"Why are you saying that? We'll still see each other , right?" Yoongi nervously laughed.

She didn't say anything for a while.

"Y-yeah, but it's only for half an hour. And i also mean that i miss sitting beside you at school," Eunmi rubbed the back of her neck, avoiding Yoongi's gaze.

"It's ok, you'll be back in no time. I'm sure of it," Yoongi pat her head and unknowingly kissed her forehead.

Both of went along for a moment, but suddenly froze when they realized what was happening. Yoongi quickly pulled back and began turning red almost immediately.

"S-Sorry, i was trying to comfort you-"

"It's ok, Yoongs!" the female laughed but she had flushed cheeks as well.

They stayed like that for a few moments, trying to calm down.

Eunmi picked up her brush again and continued painting.

"You should leave now, Mini, or you'll never hear the end of Nurse Lisa's bickering of not taking note of time." she chuckled. Yoongi smiled softly and made his way out of the room after waving goodbye.

Eunmi's eyes stayed on Yoongi as he left, and they began to water. Soon, tears flowed down her cheeks involuntarily.

and Yoongi didn't notice it this time.


there's so much dialogues in my stories, sorry guys  (д;)

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