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drops of jupiter | TRAIN"tell me, did you fallfor a shooting star?one with a permanent scar?"

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drops of jupiter | TRAIN
"tell me, did you fall
for a shooting star?
one with a permanent scar?"

Cora, Christopher, Benjamin and Salem had officially been at number 12 Grimmauld Place for a week. The family had settled in nicely. Each having found where they fit.

Christopher either spent his days out on official Order business or at work. He came home late almost every night, but Cora and Ben always saved him a plate of leftovers from dinner. The bags under his eyes continued to grow, but Cora knew that he was happy, he had a purpose.

Ben spent the mornings at work, but once he returned home he spent the afternoons in the sitting room reading. A big point of contention in Ben and Chris's relationship was the fact Chris was a wizard. They lived in different worlds, worlds that neither necessarily wanted to give up. So Ben spent his free time reading all about the wizarding world, he wanted to know everything.

Cora spent her days with the twins. They did everything together - attached at the hip. Almost like Cora was their long lost triplet. They wasted away their times dreaming about their last year at school and what they would do after it ended. And playing with Sal obviously.

Hi Cora,

I know you probably won't respond to this letter. Or if you do it won't be anything of substance. But I just wanted to check in, see if you're okay. That's a stupid statement, nobody's okay. Are you having nightmares? I can barely sleep because of them.

I just want to turn back time.

I hope you're okay.


I'm Surviving.


Cora was sitting on her bed, legs crossed and heart broken. Harry had been writing to her pretty regularly, but she was never able to respond in the way she wanted. From the beginning of the holidays Chris had been strict about not being able to send Harry letters of more than a few sentences. She knew it was under Dumbledore's orders, what she didn't know was why.

She didn't have time to dwell however as the ruckus coming from downstairs was too much to ignore. Hermione had arrived. The girl had been trying to convince her parents all summer, finally caving in the last two weeks. Cora was excited to have another girl around. She really quite liked Hermione. So she bounded down the stairs, pushing Harry's letter's from her mind.

She found Hermione being passed around the room for introductions and reunions. She slid into the space beside Fred, wiggling herself under his arm. "Hey, you okay?"

CHARMING! ☆ FRED WEASLEYWhere stories live. Discover now