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feels like we only go backwards | TAME IMPALA
"i got my hopes up again
oh no,
not again"

Cora Holloway was slowly losing her mind. Everyday she felt herself slowly slipping into madness, with only one thought on her mind every second she was conscious.

Fuck Dolores Umbridge.

If March had sucked, April was hell.

Ever since the downfall of the DA and the forceful removal of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry's headmaster, the school had gone to ruin. Professor Umbridge had been thrust into power, effectively stripping the school of not only the warmth it once held, but its students' liberties.

Despite Cora choosing to spend the last couple of months in her Common Room, it was now being enforced. Curfew was every night immediately after dinner, and only those competing in clubs were allowed brief reprieves from its clutches. Well, and any unlucky souls who found themselves in detention, being subjected to medieval corporal punishment. Students were no longer allowed to speak and dress as freely as they once were. Boys and girls were not permitted to be within 8 inches of each other. But worst of all, was the introduction of the Inquisitorial Squad.

It was essentially her own team of Auror's, but instead of catching dark witches and wizards, they were a bunch of bullies incessantly harassing anyone in their path.

Cora remembers vividly, the moment she found out about their existence. Not only that, but the fact that it consisted of pretty much only Slytherin students. She expected that from Malfoy, and honestly even Montague, but when she heard that Cassius had been with the group. Standing by idly, his badge glimmering, as they took off points from Hermione for being a, well a muggle born.

Cora saw red.

Cassius was sat at their usual desk, having skipped dinner in favour of NEWT revision. Nothing could've saved him from the whirlwind that was Cora when she was livid.

"What the fuck!"

Her hands slammed on the table, his ink spilt and his eyes shot up in fear. She watched him shudder under her glare, but she didn't move as he scrambled to fix the disarray she had caused. "Are you good?" His voice was louder than she expected, but the quiver at the end revealed his true terror.

His words and attitude only agitated her more. "Don't play dumb with me. What. The. Fuck."

His eyes glazed over, and she could see the cogs turning in his brain. Weighing up his options. "I didn't think it was...that big a deal."

"That big a deal? Cassius! You're Umbridge's lackey! Since when did you support authoritarian dictators?" His mouth opened to protest, but she didn't let him get a word in. "Since when did you let people get called mudbloods!"

CHARMING! ☆ FRED WEASLEYWhere stories live. Discover now