Chapter 16

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Anna's POV
I woke up really early as I'm quite the morning person unlike my brothers and Gemma. I walked into the kitchen and got myself some Nutella on toast. And went upstairs to get ready. I got dressed and did my hair and makeup. I decided to go see if any of the others were awake as now it's half nine and both of my parents are at work so I'm bored.

I went to Conor's room first and he's proper out. There's no chance of waking him up this morning. I then went to Jack's room to see if him and Gemma are up yet. I went in and they were still asleep with their arms wrapped around each other. It was so cute. I had to take a picture and send it to them on snapchat. They are actually the perfect people to live together because they are all exactly the same. They're all lazy shits.

I decided to prank them so I got a can of silly string that I happen to have for when they come around. But they always forget about it. First I walked into Conor's room and I didn't spray him. I sprayed his duvet and pillows around him so if he moves he'll get silly string on himself. I also noticed his hand was hanging off the edge of his bed and I sprayed a pile of silly string into his hand. I then did the same to Jack and Gemma but they didn't get a pile of silly string in their hands because they were cuddling.

Gemma's POV
I woke up at about eleven and the bed was covered in silly string. I was so confused because I know that Conor would not get up this early to put silly string all over mine and Jack's bed. I did know though that Anna was a morning person. I picked up my phone and noticed I had a snapchat from Anna. I opened it and saw it was me and Jack cuddling. It was a cute photo so I screenshot it. I then took a photo of the bed and captioned saying 'Thanks Anna' I sent it to her and put it on my story. A few minutes later Anna came in laughing. She was all ready for the day.
"How are you ready for the day?", I asked.
"I've been ready since half eight this morning.", she said.
"Oh my god!" She laughed at my reaction.
"Jack and Conor are honestly the laziest people I've ever met.", she said looking at Jack.
"I know. I thought I was bad. There has been the odd day where Conor been up before me because I'm too busy hugging your brother.", I replied laughing.
"You and Jack are honestly the cutest couple I've seen.", Anna said to me.
"Aw thanks Anna.", I replied and then an ides came into my head, "Would you like to have a girls day today? We could go shopping, get a Starbucks and talk about anything and everything."
"Yeah that would be great.", she replied.
"Well let's wake up these two then I'll go get ready." I went to get out of bed but Jack pulled me back.
"Jack I need to get up. ", I said. He just cuddled into me.
"Jack, baby, I need to get up."
"Noooo.", he mumbled.
"Jack please." Anna was finding this hilarious.
"Give me a kiss first.", he mumbled.
"Ok.", I said pecking him on the lips.
"No a proper kiss.", he said.
"Jack, Anna is standing in the doorway waiting for me."
"Pleeaaassseee.", he begged. I gave Anna a look to ask if she minded. She nodded as if to say go for it. I kissed Jack and he kissed back. Our lips moved in sync  and then I pulled away after about thirty seconds.
"Happy now?", I asked.
"Mmmm you've done better.", he mumbled smirking.
"Jack!", I said in shock knowing what he meant and Anna was there laughing.
"Come on Jack you need to get up its nearly midday.", I said. He just groaned again and opened his eyes. He then noticed the fact that the bed was covered in silly string.
"What the f**k.", he said looking at the bed. Anna stood in the doorway laughing and Jack shot her an evil glare. He pulled me into a hug and kissed my neck. I noticed Anna taking photos and I laughed and shook my head.
"What?", Jack asked confused.
"Your sister.", I said nodding my head towards Anna. Jack rolled his eyes knowing that she was taking a photo.
"Now Jack get up."
"Fine.", he said. Me and Anna left the room to go wake Conor whose bed was also covered in silly string.
"Spray him.", I said to Anna.
"Ok.", she replied and ran to get her silly string. She came back and sprayed him. It was hilarious. He was so frightened. We left Conor to get up and I went back to my room to get ready.

I got dressed into a baggy white jumper with black leggings and my usual white low top converse. I put my hair into a messy bun and did my natural makeup.

Me and Anna told the boys where we were going and we set off on our shopping day.

Hey! It's another longer chapter today. I feel like it was quite a boring chapter to be honest. I'm still working on getting something to happen but we will see.

My Brothers Best Friend (Jack Maynard Fanfic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now