Chapter 1

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Gemma's POV
Today is the day! My older brother, Joe Sugg, is taking me to meet the Buttercream Gang. I've watched YouTube for years but my favourite youtubers have always been the Buttercream Gang. I'm the youngest of the Sugg siblings, I'm 21 years old (although I can act like a 16 year old fangirl when it comes to YouTube).

"Gemma! Come on we have to go!", yelled Joe up the stairs.
"One second!", I yelled as I put the last pin into my messy bun. I'm just wearing some black jeans, with a black crop top and white converse. My hair is in a messy bun with a red bandana.

I quickly ran down the stairs and found Joe sitting on the sofa waiting for me.
"I'm ready!" I said to Joe.
"Come on then, let's go."
"Bye Zo!" I called as I walked to the door, "Bye guys! Have fun!", she replied just as I shut the door.

Me, Joe, Zoe and Alfie live in our own apartment in London and we absolutely love it! It's so nice sharing a house with both of my siblings and Alfie.

We slowly pulled up outside Jack's new apartment everyone is going over to see the finished, fully furnished apartment and Joe decided to bring me along to seeing as I haven't properly met the all the Buttercreams yet.

I'm so nervous, I haven't told anyone this but I happen to have a massive crush on Jack. As we got up to the door my heart was pounding, all my favourite youtubers and my biggest crush are behind that door and I'm about to meet them.

Joe knocked on the door and it quickly opened. Standing there was Conor, Jack's brother, also the greatest singer of all time.
"Hey mate!", Conor and Joe bro hugged, "This must be Gemma.", said Conor, "The one and only", I replied. Conor pulled me in for a quick hug and then we walked in to the apartment. All the boys heads turned to look at me, "This is my younger sister Gemma", Joe introduced me. Jack stood up first and walked over to me, "Hey I'm Jack", he said and pulled me into a hug, "Hey" I replied. "This is Josh, Caspar, Mikey and Oli", he said pointing to them one at a time.

We walked back over and sat down, the only free seat was next to Jack so I sat down next him. "Let's play truth or dare", said Caspar, "Ok", everyone agreed.

"Gemma, what do you choose?" asked Mikey, " Truth", I replied confidently. He thought for a moment then said "Have you ever fancied any of Joe's friends?". I shyly replied "Yes", I could feel my face going red. "Who?!", asked all the boys in unison, "I'm not telling any of you.", I replied. They all sighed knowing that they weren't going to get it out of me.

After playing for another half hour we decided to stop because we were worn out and some of us felt a bit sick. I had to lick Caspar's toe, shot vinegar and prank call Zoe telling her I kissed Alfie (which she didn't believe because I'm so bad at prank calls and the boys couldn't hold in their laughter)

"Right we better be going before Zalfie start wondering where we are.", said Joe. "Ok", I replied, "Bye guys!", I said to everyone, "Bye Gemma!", they all replied. Jack brought us to the door and as I was about to leave Jack grabbed my hand, I turned around, "Could I have your number?", he asked, "Sure", I replied and gave him my phone, we swapped numbers then gave each other a quick hug and said goodbye.

Hello! Welcome to my fanfic. I just thought I'd let you all know a bit more about the book before I continue. There will be no particular time or day I'll update it I'm just going to update it whenever it'll probably be often enough for the next 2 weeks since I'm on holidays from school but when im back in school it might not be often so well see how it goes. Anyway ramble over, I hope you enjoy the book and all feedback is really appreciated.


My Brothers Best Friend (Jack Maynard Fanfic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now