Chapter 10

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Gemma's POV
Me and Jack decided to go watch a movie. We were snuggled up together on the sofa and about to put it on when I decided I'd go ask Conor if he wanted to watch it too.
"Jack I'm just going to ask Conor if he wants to watch it too."
"Ok." I walked into Conor's room. He was lying in his bed on his phone look miserable.
"Con?", he looked up from his phone, "Do you want to watch a movie with me and Jack?" He shook his head.
"Ok then. Do you want anything to eat? You haven't been eating much since the accident." He shook his head again. "Ok then." I walked out of the room. I wanted to cry he's so miserable.

- A Little While Later -
"Jack can we go to bed?"
"Yeah sure let's go." As we walked passed Conor's room I decided to check on him. I looked in and he was asleep. He looked horrible. I could see part of his blue cast sticking out from the duvet a bit. His arm was lying on his stomach in a sling and he had a big going across his forehead that was stitched up. He has bruises and more cuts all over. Most of them were healing. But some still looked really bad. I looked the big purple and blue bruise on his chin. I started to cry. I walked into my room and got into bed next to Jack. I was in my favourite Disney pyjama bottoms and a vet top because it's getting a bit colder because it's October now. Me and Jack have nearly been together a month now. It's also not long until the Maynards birthdays.

When I got into bed I cuddled into Jack's chest and I couldn't help it. I started crying.
"Baby? What's wrong?", Jack asked.

Conor's POV
I woke up again because I was in so much pain. This spine injury is driving me insane. But another thing is the fact that I'm scared of talking to Gemma and Jack. I'm scared of talking because I'm scared it will come out. All the years I've been holding back and even worse the fact that when I woke up I had forgotten who everyone and what everything was. I couldn't say anything because I couldn't talk. And when I could talk again all I wanted to do was listen to people talking, work out who they were and remember again and now that I'm back in my flat it's all coming back to me. Suddenly I hear someone crying. It's Gemma. I then heard a conversation between her and Jack.
"Baby? What wrong?", I heard Jack ask.
"He's so miserable.", Gemma replied whilst crying, "He won't talk to anyone, he won't eat and I'm worried about him Jack."
"I am too Gemma.", Jack said and then I heard him sniffle. They were in bed together crying because they're worried about me. I started to cry. I kept crying and crying. I was so upset. It made me feel more guilty that they were so worried about me and if took me nearly four days to remember who they were after being unconscious for about sixteen hours or something.

Jack's POV
Me and Gemma were in bed together crying over Conor. I then heard more crying. No I heard sobs. It was Conor. I shook Gemma who had cried herself to sleep in my arms. Her eyes fluttered open and I told her to listen. She gasped and jumped out of bed and I followed. We ran to Conor's room and opened the door. There was my older brother crying and crying.
"Conor what wrong?", Gemma asked we walked over to the bad and sat down next to Conor.
"I-i-i h-heard you guys c-crying and t-talking.", he cried. Me and Gemma were both crying now. My older brother was having a breakdown. He couldn't stop crying and he was shaking.
"Conor what else has gotten you this upset. ", I asked him.
"W-w-when I-i w-w-woke u-up I c-couldn't r-rem-memb-ber a-an-anyt-thing.", he cried. We pulled him into a hug and cried with him.
"Do you remember everything now? Do you remember your family, the Buttercreams, what you do for living, what we do for living?", Gemma asked.
"Y-yeah. I-i-i thi-think so.", he replied. We stayed with Conor until he stopped crying and we were about to leave because we thought he was asleep.
"Don't leave me.", we heard him say.
"Alright.", we said in unison and jumped into bed next to him. Gemma was now in a Maynard sandwich. I put my arms around her and she put hers around me and cuddled into my chest.
"I can handle you guys cuddling in my bed. But I won't take spooning, forking or any other positions and I also won't have making out or anything of the sort.", Conor said seriously and me and Gemma started laughing. Soon enough we all fell asleep together in Conor's queen sized bed. Me and Gemma cuddling and Conor having to stay laying on his back so it can gradually heal and get pushed into place.

Hello! So that was a bit of an emotional chapter which I got teary eyed writing because I cry at everything. (I got teary eyed when I heard when I heard Conor's song 'This is my version' for the first time. I'm an emotional wreck.) This was also quite a long chapter so let me know if you prefer the shorter or longer chapters.

My Brothers Best Friend (Jack Maynard Fanfic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now