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"jimin! jimin, oh my god, sorry that i was late. it was hard running around and crossing streets in dress shoes."

"aND, LET'S NOT FORGET RAMEN! look, i got ramen for the three of us! we're the best family ever, am i right or am i right?"

"anyways, shall we get back to talking about normal stuff? work has been the same. namjoon and seokjin are getting engaged, so jin- that's what i call him now- is giving his role in the hospital to hoseok since he's moving somewhere else. i'll miss them lovebirds. but you should've seen hoseok! god. i swear, i need to wear fucking sunscreen around him. he's the fucking sun."

"going on, yoongi's still the same. he's babying over me again. he's worried that i have, what, depression now. sure, there's more rent than ever and you guys aren't here and i haven't smiled or laughed as much as before and i feel like killing myself everyday, but don't worry. i'm fine."

soo byul coughed and shivered.

"damn, today he was REALLY annoying. legit pulled out the chair for me. wished you did that for me, though. i'd like that... and hey, areum! did you like that teddy bear i gave you? isn't it pretty? uncle taehyung and jungkook bought that just for you! aren't they nice? it's all expensive and all, but they insisted, haha!"

"i didn't have a good day, though. i felt really useless during work. what are you doing?! i try to help, but of course i screw everything up. everyone hates me. i think that i even lost my doctor id...."

"OH. oh...."

"we met because your doctor id, right? and then we met areum, and then we got together and i remember dabbing my heart out and having the time of my life..."

another cough.

then a tear.

then another.

and then another.

soon, a steady stream of salty tears flowed its way down her pale cheek, releasing the sadness and sorrow that has been held inside of her for all this time.

soo byul fell down to her knees.

she gently caressed the two headstones as her tears fell on top of them, the wind blowing her hair this way and that.


OCTOBER 13, 1996 - APRIL 12, 2017

in between our couple shoes are

a pair of baby sneakers.


NOVEMBER 5, 2011 - APRIL 12, 2017

before a flower dies,

we see the beauty of it.

"oh, jimin. oh, areum. why couldn't you have stayed?"

"i want someone to take care of me, someone who takes secret pictures of me, someone to beat up yoongi, someone to kick teenagers who grope women, someone to call daddy, someone to dab with, someone to buy me ramen."

"i want someone who loves me dearly, someone who finds the perfect match, someone to sing my little pony with, someone to buy dolls for, someone who plays with jae, someone to give me purpose."

soo byul's tears was endless. the beads of water started falling down one after another, without a sign of stopping.

why was she crying? no matter how hard she cries, no matter how hard she tries, no matter how hard she screams, they'll never come back.

but why... these tears?

why all this sorrow, this repentance, this heartache?

why would she wake up in the middle of the night, thinking about them?

why would she catch herself thinking about jimin's booty?

why would she find herself driving to areum's preschool, even having a packed lunch under break time?

why, why, why.... that's what we all ask.

but she'll never know. she doesn't want to know. but she'll have to accept it.

after all, she was always just



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