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boom bitches im back

-third person pov

immediately afterwards, areum started crying all over again. soo byul had absolutely no experience with crying children or recently dead mothers, so most of you guys would think, "oh, lol she's gonna ask about the weather again and embarrass her butt off," and, honestly, i wouldn't blame you at all.

however, instead of asking about the weather, disciplining the child, or just simply walking away, soo byul hugged her.

Hugged her.

it came involuntarily, unexpectedly, and sadly, awkwardly, but soo byul did not regret what she just did.

the hug lasted for a few minutes, and soo byul finally pulled back. by this time, areum's tears were barely noticeable, and her face revealed a innocent smile.

how cute, thought soo byul. areum suddenly reminded her of a little angel that had little fat wings with fat cheeks and lots of fat.

yep, soo byul's imagination will never die off.

but she couldn't stay like this forever.

she coughed, and said, "uh, do you know where your father is? or at least his name? maybe unnie can find him, and you guys will live together, hm?"

areum's little eyebrows furrowed. "i don't have a dad, mommy just said that daddy went to work one day and never came back," she replied.

a sigh of disappointment left soo byul's lips. what was she gonna do now? she could report her to the head doctor, but he was really hot so she was scared to go up to him and explain what just happened.... sooooooooooooooooooooo-

areum suddenly raised her hand, like what elementary students would do at school. her legs were swinging again, but this time, more happy and less forced.

"yes, areum?"

"so unnie, i have a great idea that i hope you'll like...."

and before soo byul ask what it was, areum straight up said-

"will you be my mommy?"

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