Chapter 30

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"Hey, where are you going?" Ava asked me.

We had been staying at her house for about 2 weeks after the fight that ended up killing Tanner Lane. School was starting in 3 days and I didn't want to be in the way when Ava went back to work. I couldn't believe that I had spent an entire summer doing some crazy shit. But it was time for it all to come to a close. It was time for me to move on. Currently, we were standing in Ava's living room and I was about to go out the door but she stopped me.

"I'm leaving." I replied.

"What? Why?"

"I... have some loose ends I need to tie up. I need to go take care of them before something happens again." I replied sadly.

"But I thought you'd stay with me, Dakota."

"I can't. I have a gang to run. And besides, you don't need anymore trouble in your life. I'd just get in the way."

"Dakota, you're not in the way. I could easily quit my job and come with you. I'd be a viable asset to the gang. I could help."

"I know. But you need to stay here. You've got people here. I don't. Not anyone that I truly want to see at least." I said walking towards the door again.

"Wait. Stay a little longer." She walked towards me and buried her face in the crook of my neck. "Don't go just yet." I heard her say.

"Ok, but I have to leave by tonight." I always gave in to her demands.

I watched as she rushed over and put on her shoes and then ran to the kitchen. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"We're going on a picnic." I chuckled at her. "And I'm going to make you stay to see the sunset on the cliffs before you go."

A minute later she came back with a blanket which she handed to me and a basket full of food. We then went outside though I still had all my stuff and put it in the trunk. I'd ride the bus to the airport so I didn't need a car or anything to get me anywhere.

We drove to the coast which took about an hour or so and then before I knew it, we were standing beside a white lighthouse just on the edge of a cliff looking down at the Pacific Ocean below. Honestly, this view would be seared into my memory forever. We sat down and ate dinner on the very edge and watched the waves lap at the rocks below. I felt peaceful for once. Though, I always felt peaceful when I was with Ava.

She knew how to make things better. I didn't know how I was going to leave her here all alone to deal with the high school students. I didn't even know if she would be able to move on after the trip I had given us both. She fell in love with me and I fell in love with her. But it was only right if I left her alone after all the shit I made her go through. If miss her, that was for sure, and she'd miss me, but I had to fix the mistakes if made. Then I'd come back.

"Ava, once I finish cleaning up all the mistakes that I've created I'll come back." I said once we finished eating. The sun was very close to setting on the horizon.


"Yes, I promise. I'll come back and that time I won't leave you until one of us dies. But promise me this. That you'll wait for me to come back. That you won't just move on out of my life and turn away. That you won't leave me to be blinded by all the stupid grief that I've out myself through."

"Yeah, I promise."

"Okay." I said. And that was all I said as I grabbed her hand and held it in mine. We watched the sun dip beneath the horizon on the water and watched it all sparkle in its vibrant colors. I doubted if I would ever come back, but I made a promise. I had to keep it, just like I did for Lindsey. I was never one to break a promise and I just hoped that Ava wasn't one either.

After the sun had long faded into nothing we both finally got up and made our way back to Ava's car. She drove me about 5 minutes down the road to the nearest bus stop, and there, was when we had to say goodbye. "So this is it." She said. She turned to me and kissed me for the last time. "I'm not saying a goodbye so good luck getting one from me." She said as she smiled.

I leaned my forehead against her's and then went to get out of the car. Her hand slowly let go of mine and I didn't turn back around to look at her again. This was it. The end of our time together. Her car drove away and slowly disappeared around the corner and I never saw it again. I walked up to the bus stop with my stuff and sat down beside an older lady.

I'd miss everything about this place and yet I wouldn't miss it at all. I wanted to come back as soon as possible but the more I thought about it and all the things I hadn't done yet, I highly doubted I would come back soon. I would miss my parents and Ava, but I guess that now wasn't the time to think about that. I had new issues to deal with that didn't concern my past but now concerned my future.

I'd come back to this small town, once everything was over and the storm finally settled down. I think it was time for me to actually cut my ties with the gang all together. It would be better for everyone.

I regretted it all, but now wasn't the time to think about that. The bus pulled up out front and I got on along with the other old lady that had been sitting there beside me. She sat across from me on the bus and looked at me for a second before speaking. "Whatever you're going through will be alright honey. Everything works out in the end. If it hasn't worked out, then it isn't the end." She patted my hand and then leaned back again to look out the window.

She was right. If things haven't worked out then it isn't the end. I still had a long way to go.

And I wasn't stopping here.

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