Chapter 28

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We had been staying at the house for 3 days and I was getting tired of waiting. I needed to take care of Tanner Lane before something bad happened or Miller killed me. I still was limping on my right leg where I had gotten stabbed but it wasn't as noticeable as before. I walked into the living room where Ava and I had been watching a movie a few minutes earlier and I saw her looking at the waves far off the shore below.

"Hey. I think we need to get moving again." I said, drawing near her.

She gave me puppy dog eyes before speaking, "But I feel like we just got here."

I chuckled at her. "We've been here for 3 days and I'm pretty sure both of our wounds have healed enough to keep going. I'm tired of staying in one place for too long. It could get dangerous if we stayed here, even though no one else knows about this place except for us."

"Okay, so then what do you have planned for us next?" She asked.

"I'm going after Tanner Lane and finishing this once and for all... well, we are."

She gave me a little smile and we walked out of the living room. I went upstairs and got our stuff and then came back down to see her looking out the window again. "I'm gonna miss this place."

"We can come back... once everything is over of course." She nodded at me and picked up her bag. I still had one more phone call to make.

I stayed on the phone for quite a while calling all my contacts. I wanted to find Tanner. He was much easier to find when I had my entire gang on my side. Blank was no longer screwing with my plans. I ended up sending an infiltrator to 3 different warehouses owned by Tanner Lane. About an hour later I could tell Ava was growing impatient, but then I received a phone call from the infiltrator.

"Yes? Did you find him?" I asked eagerly.

"Thanks for the resources, Jessica. And yes, I found him. I'll send you the address. It's a place in some small town just outside of Seattle."

"Seattle? Alright. Thanks."

"I didn't even have to go in. He was heading inside the warehouse and I watched him get out of the car."

"Well thank you. You can resume business now."

"No, thank you. You gave me some awesome gear to play with."

He hung up a second later and I chuckled. I was sent the address and then Ava and I left. It was time to face Tanner Lane and end the turmoil he was creating. Just to make Miller happy. I still wasn't finished with Miller, but I had to do the mission first to please him, then I'd kill him. Like I did with everyone else. I knew violence wasn't the answer, but I had been pushed around for so long I was done with it all. Driven to madness.

We made it to the airport and took the private jet to Seattle. By then, it was late so we rented a hotel room on the outskirts of the city. I made sure Ava was comfortable before we both when to bed.

When the sun rose we both were already up and moving. I made sure someone took care of our stuff while we went to Tanner's warehouse. I got us a taxi as well to drive us to the place. The ride was only about 30 minutes, but it felt like the longest drive of my life.

We got out in front of a large building with barely any windows in it. It was tucked away in the pine trees and was hardly visible unless you were really looking for it like we were. The last time we snuck into a warehouse it didn't go well, so I had a different approach.

I created a distraction in the front of the building by banging on the front door. There weren't any guards outside so it was fairly easy to cause a ruckus. As soon as we got the guard's attention we both ran around to the back of the building. It took us a while because it was bigger than I expected. Searching for a moment we reached another entrance to the back and this time there was a guard. I quickly snuck up on him and wrapped my arm around his neck.

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