Chapter 27

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"Ow!" I screamed. The doctor, Ian, was suturing up the knife cut on my thigh. I tightly gripped Ava's hand as the pain shot through my leg.

"Here. Take some painkillers and stay off your leg for a while. It'll only make it worse." He said handing me a bottle.

"Thanks. Can you please get a car ready for me and also tell someone to get the two bags out of the bushes behind the building. They're mine." Ian nodded and ran out of the room once he was finished and I was left with Ava alone.

"How badly does it hurt?"

"Pretty damn badly. But I think the painkillers will help some." She nodded at me. We were silent until the doctor came back with our bags and told us to follow him to the car. We went outside, Ava holding the bags and me on a pair of crutches. She offered to drive and I threatened the people that I was in charge and if anyone took my position I'd be back to kill them. This small statement made them all bow their heads and they walked away with their tails between their legs. I had just walked away from a fight that I knew no one would ever forget.

Ava helped me into the black SUV and we drove away from the warehouse. "So where are we trying to go now? Tanner Lane or Miller?" Ava asked.

I sat and thought for a moment. "Let's just get away from here and then we'll figure out what to do from there."

"Okay. So, to the airport I guess?" She looked at me expectantly.

"Yeah. I'm sure those men have heard what has happened to Blank. They know that I came out victorious."

Ava shook her head. "Don't get cocky now. We haven't finished yet." I chuckled at her. She didn't hate me, she was just trying to brush off the bad thoughts. Thank God she didn't hate my guts because of what happened back there.

We made it to the airport an hour later and there weren't any of my men to be found. None of Miller's men were spotted either. The coast was clear for now.

We went through security with me on crutches and then finally we made it outside to my jet. Miller bought my big baby at an auction when I still worked for him. He said that a gang leader should get to ride in style. I guess that was at least one thing we could agree on.

Ava helped me up the steps into the jet and the steward prepared the pilot for take off. They had been waiting for me thankfully and I was happy that someone from the warehouse had called them to get them ready. "Where to, miss?" The other stewardess asked.

I thought for a moment. We really couldn't go back home so I had to think of another place. One place came into my mind and I flinched at the memories of the place, but it would have to do. Only Blank, Lindsey, and I knew of the place and Blank and Lindsey were dead so now it was only me. We'd be safe there until I could recover and regroup the gang. I leaned closer to her and whispered the place. She nodded at me and smiled before telling the other steward and then going to the pilot.

We took off not long after and Ava sat beside me. I gave her the window seat since she told me that she loved riding on planes. I wasn't that much of a fan of planes so I sat away from the window.

After almost half an hour Ava finally spoke up. "Why did you kill Blank?"

"He betrayed me." I answered nonchalantly.

"So you killed him? What the hell, Dakota?"

"I did what I had to do. I had to show everyone that I was in charge and that whoever took my place wouldn't get away with it... I didn't want to, Ava. But when I step into the Fighting Ring, I'm not the same." I said.

"I know. I saw it with my own eyes. Why do you change like that?"

"For my own survival. It used to terrify me being in there, but the only way I can handle it is if I become a monster. If I shut off all my emotions and only focus on the fight. That's the only way." I said, finished.

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