Chapter 8

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My heart pounded as I walked through the rain not bothering to put up my hood. He was coming to see me. To take me back. I couldn't let that happen. As I walked, I felt a memory come to me.


"We need your help."


"You're an honor student. Graduated a year early. You've got the skills we need in order to keep the government running."

"What if I don't want to help you?"

"Then you go back to living in this small town fighting for a decent job, fighting to stay afloat with your family."

"What will I fight for when I'm with you?"

"The lives of the world and our country."


"Then we have to move now."

"Wait! What's your name?"


"And what if I die working for you, Miller?"

"Then you will be forgotten forever. Dakota Greene will never exist and those who claimed to know you will be killed." I looked away. He pulled me into the black Bentley and I watched as everyone got in their cars and left graduation.


That was the day Miller was a good man. It went downhill from there. I infiltrated the gang that is now my own and I was put in as their leader. I decided to support them as I realized they needed a true leader and I was the best thing they got. I made them thrive and branched away from Miller until he could no longer find me. But then the next confrontation with him didn't end well. I killed one of his men and then ran. Now he's coming back to get me.

I shook my head to clear the memories and then stopped, realizing where my feet had carried me. I was in front of Ava's house again that day. I really couldn't get away from her if I tried. I walked away from it and in to town and went to the coffee shop from earlier. My body sat me down at a table by the window and I stared at all the people passing by. I bet they never had to deal with the problems I had.

After a few minutes I ordered a coffee and continued to stare out the window until I was finished. Finally, I paid and then got up and left. Almost immediately, I lit a cigarette and drew the smoke into my lungs. I didn't always smoke and when I did it was because I was stressed or in a really sour mood. I walked around outside for a long while until my feet hurt and I decided to go back home.

He was coming. And he was going to bring a storm with him.

When I got back home it was almost dinner time. I had been out all day sulking around. I knew Miller was going to show up soon I just didn't know when. My mom was fixing dinner as always and my dad was watching tv with Lindsey. They were talking up a storm and I knew they were getting along well.

We ate dinner and I felt that things were finally looking up with my family. And then I heard a knocking on the door. I immediately froze. "What's wrong, Dakota?" My mom asked as my dad went and answered the door.

"He's here." She looked confused and I gave Lindsey a look of fear before my face suddenly went calm. The facade was back and I had a feeling I would have it for a while. "Who is dear?" My mom asked. The confusion deepening.

"What can I do for you gentlemen?" My father said.

"We'd just like to speak to your daughter Dakota Greene for a moment."

I watched as Lindsey's face dropped.


My mom looked at me more confused and Lindsey got up and stopped at the corner of the kitchen and peeked around. She suddenly backed up and two men and my dad walked into the room. I stood up and greeted them. "Ah, Miller, Donovan. How are you?" I said in my most happiest voice. He gave me a death glare.

"What is going on!" My mom yelled at us.

"Ma'am can we have a moment to speak to your daughter?" My mom looked terrified as she nodded and everyone exited the room and I was left with them. I motioned for them to take the two seats in front of me as I sat down.

"What brings you to see me, Miller?"

He glared at me. His deep brown eyes pierced into my soul. "You killed my men."

"Oh did I? Well that's too bad. They were in my way." I gave him my scariest glare back and I watched as Mr. Donovan shifted in his seat. I looked at him and smirked.

"The President will not be happy with you." I laughed at his statement.

"Do you think I give a shit what the President thinks? Hell no." I sat back in my chair looking more relaxed than I felt.

"You work for us still, Greene. That means you obey us or you die."

"I work for you?! Said who? You?" I laughed again. "You wouldn't dare kill me. I'm too much of a valuable asset to your big scheme." I watched him grow more angry at every word that came out of my mouth.

"Greene! You will obey or I'll kill you." He pulled out his gun with a silencer on the end. I leaned forward so that my elbows rested on the table and I stared into his eyes.

"No." I said and raised my brows.

"You have a job to do. So do it!" He pointed the gun at my forehead. I slowly leaned towards it so that my head rested on the end.

"Do it then."

He hesitated. I watched a bazillion emotions pass across his eyes. I gave him a wicked grin and Mr. Donovan flinched more. I saw Miller's finger tighten on the trigger. He didn't pull it. But he didn't put it away either.

"I'll make a deal with you." I said. "I'll finish the job you wanted me to start and in return, you leave me and my gang, family, and friends the fuck alone." My eyes broke him in half and he lowered the gun away from me. I watched as he exchanged a glance with Donovan.

"Okay. But I hope you realize that you're messing with the American government and there will be consequences."

I leaned back and waved his words away with my hand. "Yeah yeah. Just get the fuck out of my house." He looked pissed off and I loved it. I watched him as he pulled an envelope out of his jacket and set it on the table in between us.

"The details are in there." They both got up and went to leave the kitchen.

"Miller." He stopped. "If I see your face ever again I will not hesitate to kill you. This job? That's it. Then you leave and never come back. You understand me?" I stood up and looked him square in the eye.

"Yes Ms. Greene. Oh, I heard you're getting married soon. Congratulations." I heard spite in his voice as he turned with Donovan and left. I walked them to the door and slammed it shut behind them. My feet turned me around and I slumped against the door. My facade was still present as I stared at the adjacent wall. My family was sitting in the living room and they had heard the whole thing.

Slowly I got up and went to the kitchen, got the folder, and then came back. They just watched my every move. "Goodnight." I said and went upstairs. I had some things to sleep on.

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