Chapter 14

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The plane ride was a few hours long and I sat by the window watching the vast land below slowly move by. If I searched closely enough, I could see little cars traveling along roads and trucks maneuvering through traffic.

Everyone has a purpose. Everyone has a story. You just have to know them well enough to be able to read it.

After the long hours were up, the plane landed right outside of Portland. We both got off the plane and made our way outside. I waved down a taxi and told him where we needed to go. The ride was about an hour and finally we came to a halt in front of one of the biggest houses I've ever seen. Quickly, I paid the driver and got out with Lindsey. The driveway was newly paved and the house was a beautiful color against the trees around it.

I smiled as we stood there for a moment taking in the view. "You ready?" Lindsey asked. I nodded at her and then smirked before heading towards the house. I unlocked the door and we both went in and dropped our stuff off. "Hello?!" I called into the house. Not a sound was heard. I smiled to myself knowing that we'd finally be alone together after so long.

I threw my phone on the counter and then walked towards the back door and opened it. The sea waited for me as I went and sat down in a chair by the pool. Lindsey came and joined me a moment later. "Incredible, isn't it?" I asked.

"Yeah. That describes it perfectly." She replied. We sat there for a long while as we watched the sun set at the front of the house and we were left looking at the dying light and the stars above. I watched as Lindsey took off her shirt and pants. She glanced at me for a moment before smirking and throwing them off to the side and then proceeded to jump into the pool.

I felt water hit my legs and I gave her a mischievous glare before doing the same and jumping in. Thankfully, the pool lights came on and I could actually see where I was swimming. We swam around for a while and kissed in the moonlight. I hadn't done that in a while. And for the first time in a long time, I didn't feel the urge to light a cigarette and worry over the days events. Today seemed good unlike many days I'd been through.

I swam over to Lindsey in the shallow end and wrapped my arms around her. The water reflected a blue color onto her eyes and made them waver and sparkle in the light. I smiled at her and pushed back a strand of hair that covered her face. "You're so soft for me." She whispered.

I smiled at her. "Is there something wrong with that?" I whispered back.

"No... but... what if I was hurt? Or even killed? How would you react? I wouldn't want you to become irrational and go on a killing spree."

I looked at her face and studied it. "I won't become irrational if something happens to you. And how would I react you ask? I would kill the person that killed you."

She sighed and took my face in her hands. "Don't be irrational, Dakota. Please, if I do die, which I don't think will happen, be careful and pay attention to your actions. I don't want you dying too. I love you-"

I cut off her words with a kiss and looked deeply into her eyes again. "I love you too. I won't forget what you said. How about right now we just enjoy tonight. Don't worry about anyone or anything else. Alright?"

She smiled at me and nodded before pressing her lips to mine. My thoughts drifted off as I was absorbed by the love I felt for her. Her body was against mine in the water and the light of the moon and pool gave us silhouettes in the darkness.

We got out of the pool only moments later and dried off and then attached ourselves to one another again. I held her as we made our way to the bedroom upstairs. Slowly, I set Lindsey down on the bed and watched as her eyes eagerly glanced toward my lips. I smirked at her and then got on top so that we were eye level with each other.

My eyes found hers for a long minute before she nodded with lust. I kissed her firmly and smiled while doing so. That night was filled with love. Something that I seemed to have lost in the darkness less than a year before.

And now, I felt that love again. And I was happy.

We woke up in the morning and the sun shined into the room illuminating the bed. I smiled. My eyes scanned the bedroom, but Lindsey was nowhere to be found. I started panicking for a second until I saw her standing on the balcony in only a shirt and underwear.

I got up and opened up the screen door and then went and stood beside her. She held a mug filled with coffee in her hand. "Morning. There's another mug right there." She pointed to a table to my left that had a dark brown mug sitting on it. I went over and picked it up and then sat down in the chair. Lindsey joined me moments later.

The morning breeze was gorgeous. The room overlooked the pool and hot tub along with the waves far below. I listened to the ocean and seagulls until I thought I would fall back asleep again. Lindsey nudged me to get my attention and then kissed my forehead. "I'm gonna go take a shower. Meet you downstairs in a few."

She jumped up and I went to follow her, but then I chuckled to myself and went downstairs like I was told. Lindsey met me a moment later and we went to the living room that had a huge tv. We plopped down onto the couch and then decided to watch a movie. I brought popcorn and drinks back from the kitchen and we cuddled throughout the whole movie.

Afterwards, we decided to play a game of chess. "Screw you!" Lindsey said as I knocked her queen off the board with the flick of my king. I started laughing at the pouting expression on her face.

"Aw, you look so cute with that face."

She rolled her eyes and then stuck her tongue out at me. "Whatever." I watched her as she pushed the board away from us and crawled closer to me. My lips formed a smile, and then we kissed. I was in love... and I was happy.

I heard a buzz on the counter but thought nothing of it. Then it buzzed again. And again. I detached myself from Lindsey and groaned. "Answer it." She said, getting up from the floor. "I have to pee anyway."

I got up and went over to the counter and picked up my phone and then answered it. "What." My facade took over.

"Jess, hey. So you know how Mr. Pierce said the manufacturer messed up the deal or whatever?"


"Well, now the manufacturer wants to meet with you. Personally." Something was wrong, definitely wrong. But at that moment I just wanted to get off the phone with Blank.

"Ok. When and where?"

"He wants to meet you at the Motel 6 down the road from that old abandoned high school by the highway. He'll be in room 102 on Tuesday at noon." I heard someone in the background talking to Blank. He quickly answered them and then came back. "I have to go. Take care of it Jess."

I paused for a second before answering him. "Remember something, Blank. I'm in charge. I give the orders. If I want to take care of it then I will. If you test me again I will break you." I hung up the phone and saw Lindsey walk out of the bathroom. Then it clicked in place.

Blank had no idea what went down at Daniel Pierce's house and yet he knew that there was an issue with the manufacturer. Also, who was he talking to on the other end? If I didn't give the order then that meant that he was. I started to get a headache thinking about it all.

Lindsey came over looking worriedly at me. I felt my face growing pale. "What is it?" She asked. Her soft voice soothed me to an extent.

"Nothing. It's okay." Color came back to my face. She studied me again before touching my cheek and turning away from me. "Then let's go play a game of pool."

"Okay." I said following her closely. I checked the date on my phone and noticed it was Sunday. Two days. In two days I had a feeling the "manufacturer" would have something... interesting to say.

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