"please dude it's been ages! I thought we could talk and clear some stuff up. I'm at a bar downtown I will text you the address."

"uh ok"

"ok dude see ya"


I ended the call and shook my head. This was probably going to turn out bad.

I had nothing better to do tonight though since Maimouna wasn't coming over. I would kill to cuddle with her tonight.

I gave the uber the directions that Taylor gave me and leaned back against the seat. This day all together has just overall exhausted me.

Maimouna's POV

The pizza I had ordered literally couldn't take any longer as I sat in my hotel room watching (your favorite TV show)

I was staring at my phone like my life depended on it. Waiting for that call or text back from Cameron.

I turned over in my bed. Wishing that I was in Cameron's arms instead, watching a movie at his apartment.

I was just about fall asleep when my phone goes off.

I raise up quickly to see that the call is not from Cameron, but Aaron.

Confused, I answer the call and try not sound as tired as I am. (au: bold italics is aaron)


"Maimouna? It's Aaron. Aaron Carpeneter."

"yes is everything alright?"

"um yes and no. Cameron is drunk and he won't let anyone take him home."

"oh god. Why is he drunk?"

"who knows. Taylor called me and told me to take him home but he won't leave, can you please come get him? I would hate for him to drive."

"oh don't let him drive, and yes I will be right there."

"ok I sent you the address. thanks and bye!"

Aaron quickly ended the call, which I took as a sign that Cameron was getting into something.

I really didn't want to put on regular clothes so I through on some sweatpants and one of Cam's hoodies and got and Uber to the address.

Pulling up, I immediately wrinkled my nose in disgust as I thought of Cameron hanging out here. This place was not pretty from the outside.

I walk to discover Cameron sitting up against the wall in a corner next to Aaron. Aaron was basically force feeding him water.

"Maimouna! Tell Aaron to leave!" I heard him shout from his drunken position against the wall.

"I'm going to help you too her car and then i'll leave ok?" Aaron said. He looked as if he had said five times already.

"Whatever. Maimouna I love you!" Cameron replied. He stood up with the help of Aaron and made his way over to me.

"C'mon Cam lets go home." I said softly and he frowned.

"She didn't say it back." He mumbled to himself.

"Cameron I love you but you have to t in the car." I said slowly and his head raised up straight to fully look at me.

His beautiful brown eyes were bloodshot. Dark circles under them as if he had not slept in days.

"I guess i'll get in the car, but only if you drive to Taco Bell."

I chuckled at his comment as me and Aaron positioned him in the backseat of the Uber. Poor driver must have been so confused.

He laid sprawled out all over me on the ride to his apartment. Every once in a while I would hear him whisper something but I couldn't make out what he was saying.

"Maimouna i'm sorry." he whispered a bit louder this time. "I'm so sorry."

"It's ok, don't worry about it." I reassured him slowly as I knew he wasn't going to remember any of this in the morning.

We arrived at his apartment and luckily he had sobered up a bit so it was easier to get him inside the building. You could easily tell he was drunk though because he was stumbling around the lobby.

"Where is my bed? Where is Taco Bell?" he asked tiredly as I slowly led him through his apartment.

"Cameron c'mon." I was gently tugging him towards his bedroom while trying to hold him up.

After another 15 minutes of trying to get him to walk, we ended up in his bedroom.

I sat him down on his bed, he then laid down and pulled the comforter over him.

"Take off your shoes Cam." I asked. I wasn't even sure he was still awake.

"Please stay with me." he mumbled into his pillow. His arms stretched outward towards me again as I unlaced his shoes.

I debated his request but I then agreed. I missed being in his arms every night, but I would appreciate if he didn't smell like liquor.

"I'll stay but you have to change out of your clothes." I said. I still couldn't get his damn shoes off.

"Ok that works....just climb into bed please." he slurred. Completely forgetting to change clothes he sits up and grabs my waist and pulls me forward towards him. I pull back but I end up falling on the floor.

"That's not the bed." he states and shakes his head.

"Cameron at least change your shirt." I say from the floor.

"Yep." he says and then takes off his shirt and throws it in the floor. He takes off his pants and socks leaving him in nothing but his boxers.

"Done." he says and wraps the comforter around himself again.

I sigh, knowing that's as far as I was going to get with him. I climb into his bed from the other side.

I started drifting off to sleep when an arm fell across my face.

"Where you at?" He asks while searching his mountain of blankets on his bed. "Ha found you."

He moves closer to me and wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to his chest. He was always the big spoon.

"Goodnight. I love you." he mumbles into my neck. He then places a small kiss on the side of my head.

"I love you too." I say. I know that we would have some explaining to do in the morning, but I truly did love him.

the end
woops the end was bad.
scratch that the whole thing was bad I wrote the first part last month when I was accidentally high on melatonin haha

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