I have something to Say

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I'm sorry I haven't been updating and if you will please listen to this I hope it will make a difference in your life.
Recently I just got back from church camp. I'm pleased to say that I have excepted Jesus as my savior. I'm just going to tell a backstory on my life.
My parents got divorced when I was about 7 years old. My dad has a severe bipolar disorder where he is constantly mad at me and yelling at me and when he is around other people he is totally normal. My mom is now married and I live with her full time.
I stay with my dad every other weekend and every time I used to cry when he yelled at me because I thought that no one loved me. I kept telling myself that I was never going to amount to anything in the world. I almost starting cutting myself. I was just depressed on the inside. I never let my emotions get the best of me because I thought that if people knew I was sad and hurting on the inside that they would not look at me the same way. I'm one of those people who is always smiling, making jokes, goofing around with friends and just being a kid at heart. If people knew I was sad then they would never look at me the same way. Last year was my first year at a new school and I'm just going to tell you it was the worst school year of my life. I had friends but I knew they thought I was annoying and didn't want to hang out with me. I am terrible at basketball so that didn't get me anywhere in my sporting carrier at my school. This summer I just wanted to forget everything about that school and hang out with my friends from my old school. One of the things me and my best friend from my old school did together was go to church camp. I had already been the year before and I told her how fun it was, but last time I came to camp I felt like I did not have a personal relationship with God. This year I came and it was totally different. My sister was one of the counselors of the camp and she came up and asked me the words that changed my life forever.
"Do you think you're saved?"
I thought about those words and gave an honest answer.
"I don't know." I told her and starting bawling. I had just told myself what I had needed to do. I need to be disciple to Jesus. I need to let the Holy Spirit come into me and save me from going to hell when I die. I went to the preacher that worked at the camp and we talked. I was crying my eyes out because I thought that God would never forgive me because I did not follow him sooner, but there is a thing that I want you to remember for the rest of your life.
God will forgive you if you admit to him that you are a sinner and ask him for forgiveness I promise you he will forgive you.
That is why God sent his one and only son to die on the cross for our sins. So he could forgive us for all the bad things we done.
"For God so loved the world he sent his only begotten son so that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life."- John 3:16
John 3:16 specifically says why God sent Jesus to die on the cross. If you believe in God and believe in the Holy Spirit you will go to heaven. I was saved this past week. I decided I was going to devote my life to God and let him take control over my life. I admitted to God that I am a sinner and asked him for forgiveness. As soon as I was saved i felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulders and I felt that I could finally turn my life around. Thank you for reading this and I hope that you take Jesus into your heart.

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