XXX Chapter 25 [Memories] XXX

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You lifted your body up as you on your knees. Pain was written all over your body but you were DETERMINED to remove your work. "Chara." You called out. XE!Chara faced you and smiled. "Heheh.. You're up and moving. Its a surprise that your actually doing something for once." You frowned and you remember that Chara was your brother. You decide not to tell him the truth not yet, especially not at this time. "Chara... I know that you and Cross want your Universe back, but this is not the proper way." You said. Chara smirked then laughed. "Oh man (Y/N), You don't get it don't you?"

"Huh-?" "I've been through worst than you, (Y/N). Gaster made me this way. You made this creation, I do like your independence and your creativity for this...but I think that I need to show the REAL power that you have created." XE!Chara smirked as he raised his arm. You were suddenly getting tired as you fell to the ground....

Where... am I?

   this a dream?

                     ...What is going on?

   "Big sis!" A familiar voice called. You felt like you snapped out of your thoughts as you looked behind you. You saw Frisk and Chara running towards you. Your eyes widen as they stopped in front of you, they held golden flowers as they both raised it towards you. "Here, Big sis! It's almost your birthday, so Chara and I want to give you some flowers!" Frisk said as Chara smiled. You were in utter shock, Frisk and Chara's bangs weren't covering their right eye. Chara frowned along with Frisk as there arms lowered down a bit. "Do you not like them?" Chara asked. You blinked as you snapped out of your thoughts. "Oh um, I do! There beautiful! Thank you so much!" You said as you crouched to their level. Both of their smiles return as they handed to golden flowers to you. You reached out to them as you felt the flowers by your touch. You smiled and relaxed in the feeling and you noticed that this is all real. You were suddenly hugged by Chara and Frisk as they both nuzzled onto you. You slightly blushed as you used both your arms to hug them both back.

Chara and Frisk released the hug, then they smiled at you cutely. Chara's sclera is not black any more, it was normal. "Big sis, Dad is letting us play for a while, he said he wants to be alone..." Chara stops as Frisk and Chara faced each other while frowning. "He's been acting weird..." You we're yet confused. What did they mean dad? You tried to think on who this person or monster it may be. "Big sis?" Frisk called out, making you snap out of your thoughts. "You've been dozing off so often, whys that?" Frisk asked as Chara nodded. You looked away and sweat dropped. "Well...I was just thinking about something...that's all.." You lied. Chara and Frisk looked at each other with worried expressions. They both looked at you then smiled. "Since we're all here, let's play a game!" Chara said. Frisk nodded repeatedly as you giggled. "Sure" you replied happily. You loved this timeline. "Hm... Okay, who ever can pick the most golden flowers will be the winner!" Frisk yelled as he pointed at the sky. "I'll be the judge and count the flowers, you guys go ahead and pick golden flowers." You said as Chara and Frisk nodded. They
Both began to pick golden flowers as Frisk was getting the most while Chara only had one. Suddenly, "Tag! Your it!" Frisk said as they tapped Chara's shoulder lightly. Chara and Frisk giggled as Chara began to chase Frisk. "Hehe~" they both giggled as you smiled. Your eyes widen as both of them turn into a sharp stop as they both looked up. You were shocked, it was "Ink?" You whispered. Chara took Frisks arm as they both began to run away leaving Frisks flowers behind. Chara then took your arm and began to push and drag to towards a certain direction. "Wait! Stop! I won't hurt you!" Ink yelled as he tried to catch up (ketchup) with you, Chara, and Frisk. All of you continued to run as you sway someone... or should I say monster. The monster was getting closer as you stopped immediately when you were a few feet away from the monster. Your eyes were wide as the monster turned around. Chara ran to you and tugged you towards the monster as you were behind him. You knew who is was... Gaster. You decide to play along and not act suspicious towards Gaster. Ink caught up as you saw Gasters soul purple. "HEY YOU! DONT DESTROY YOUR CREA-" Ink stopped as he noticed that it was A monster to his surprise.

"I don't know how you got your creators soul, but don't destroy it!" Ink said trying to stop Gaster. "This is my soul" Gaster corrected. Ink was quite shocked. "I don't even have a name." Gaster finished. "Also, what is a name, anyway?" You wanted to face palm but you understood that this was the past still.

"Don't think that this is a game."

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