15. Partial Explanations

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*Sloane's Perspective*

The moment  Matty's fist connected to my father's jaw, I knew I had to step in.

"No! Stop!" I yelled as I grabbed Matty's arm. "That's my dad."

Immediately Matty's demeanor changed and he scrambled to get off my dad. I could see my dad holding his jaw with a scowled look on his face.

"Who is this pathetic nut you've brought with you?" He asks as he looks Matty up and down.

"Hey! That's bloody fucking rude!" He turns to me and asks, " What the fuck is going on Sloane?" I could see the confusion plastered all over Matty's face. I knew at that point I had to explain everything.

I walk over to my dad in an attempt to help him to his feet. He sees me approaching and shoos me away with his hand. After he gets up, I begin to explain this unbelievably angering situation.

"Matty this my dad, dad this is my...er this is Matty, my friend Matty."

They both glance at each other and I continue with my explanation. "My dad hates me and I hate him."

I peek a glance at my dad who doesn't look at all interested in meeting Matty. While Matty looks nervous and begins fidgeting with his fingers. He makes a step towards my dad and holds out his hand to shake my dad's. My dad turns on his heel and begins to walk away from him. 

"I want both of you gone by the time I get back!" he yells over his shoulder.

As the outline of my dad becomes a tiny point in the distance, I grab Matty's hand and walk towards the gates near the parking lot. Surprisingly he lets me drag him towards the car without muttering a word. Which is unlike Matty. 

"So what the bloody hell was that about?"

Oh! there he goes. I knew he wouldn't stay quiet for too long. "Don't worry about it okay? You met my dad, don't get too carried away."

As I pull the car door open, Matty immediately shuts it with his hand, grabs my arm and shoves me against the car.

"Sloane explain to me what the fuck went down today! Or even last night! I'm sick of just rolling along with you and not getting the whole story!" 

I can feel my body shaking as Matty holds me against the car. 

"I don't owe you an explanation" I whisper.

"What the fuck did you just say? I've been here for you and you aren't giving me anything!" I can feel his grip getting tighter as he yells into my face.

"I said I don't owe you a fucking explanation! And you don't get to put your hands on me every time you don't get what you fucking want!" I immediately yank my arm free of his grip.

"I'll tell you when I'm ready to fucking tell you Matty, not when you want me to! So fuck off! I'll walk home."

"Fine Sloane, I'm done."

**I hope this chapter was good! I'm gonna try and update every Friday! But I'm gonna double/triple update this week to remind you guys that i'll be updating every Friday! yay!!! make sure to vote and comment thanks! **

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