"So urm why do you and Harry miss each other? Did you just come back from somewhere?" I changed the subject.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I just returned home from Dubai, I was on holiday with a few friends"

"That's amazing! How was the trip? Are Dubaian boys hot? Did you have a little Dubaian romance?  Was it good weather? How long where you there for? Did you get t-" I rambled on but was brought to a halt once I heard the sound of both Harry and Gemma's laughter. "What?" I smiled.

"'Omg how was it? Dubaian romance! Hot Dubaian boys!'" Harry attempted to imitate my voice which resulted in Gemma laughing even harder and louder. The huge grin on Harry's face as he watched Gemma hold onto her stomach as she laughed even more was breathtaking. The way he used his right hand to brush his hair back and he rested his forehead on the counter in laughter and threw his head back suddenly, squeezing his eye shut and covering his face with his huge hands. 

"Ah she's a keeper Haz!" Gemma spoke once she'd finally composed herself.

"Oh we- me and Harry aren't- we-" I stammered.

"Trust me, she knows we're not together," Harry finished.

Gemma flushed "Sorry if I've made it awkward."

"It could never be awkward with my bff! Right Haz?!" I went on my tip toes to put an arm around his neck and pretended not to notice his glare.

"Rightio, well I actually need to pop out for a bit and neither mum and dad are home so can I trust you bff's to behave?" Gemma laughed.

"Yes Gem, go" Harry rolled his eyes.

"Lovely to meet you Jullian. I hope to see you at Harry's birthday dinner tonight, dress nice" she smiled and said a final goodbye to both of us before leaving the house and leaving us to ourselves.

"She said dress nice Harry," I turned to face him.

"And?" he shrugged and I rolled my eyes in slight annoyance of his constant I don't care attitude.

"This" I gestured to my clothes "is not exactly what her definition of 'nice' is it, Haz?" I teased.

"Don't call me that." Harry groaned.

"Why not?"

"It's babyish. Only Gemma can call me that."

"But I thought be were bff's?" I pouted and Harry smiled as he stared down at my lips. He stayed silent and licked his as I released my lips from the pout.

He suddenly got up and began walking out of the kitchen.

"Harry!" I groaned walking after him. "You seriously need to stop just walking away."

"Oh I forgot," he apologised and I brushed it off.

"What now?" I said as we both propped down on the couch in his enormous living room.

"Do you not want to go home and get changed?" Harry began to remove his bomber jacket.

"Are you saying that there's something wrong with what I'm wearing?" I slapped Harry's arm playfully.

"Not exactly saying it but it wouldn't hurt for you to get into a long skirt and button up shirt" he winked teasingly.

"Ugh," I scoffed then laughed, Harry joining in too "I guess you are right. Do you mind taking me?"

"Not at all." Harry stood up and led me to his car.

* * *

I sat down on the floor in front of my closet and sighed. I had nothing at all to wear, I had no idea why but I really, really wanted to impress Harry's parents.

There was a knock on my door "Come in!" I shouted and my mum entered.

"Look at this mess!" my mum spoke, stunned at the mess of clothes scattered on my bedroom floor.

"Mum it's Harry's birthday and he's invited me over for dinner with his family but I have nothing at all to wear!"

"What's wrong with what you have on?" My mum asked referring to the choker band tee dress I tried on earlier.

I scoffed before I replied "Mum, you should see his house. It's like the mansions in movies!" I stressed.

"Right, and Harry already wants you to meet his parents, hmm?" she sat on my bed with a cheeky grin on her face.

"What do you mean?" I looked back at her. 

"Oh nothing, nothing." she got up and began to search through the closet. "Here you are" she threw a tight black dress at me which had no straps and stopped right above my knee.

"I don't think this is appropriate attire to meet someone's parents for the first time, mum" I laughed "wayy too much cleavage." One thing I loved about my mum was that she was young and very stylish, but her fashion sense might be a downfall in this situation. I was hoping to go for more of a modest look. 

"Darling his parents will like you, because Harry chose you as friend. I mean I wasn't too keen on him when he showed up to my door yesterday but now I've just learnt to accept him, mostly because you have" she laughed.

"Thank you mum." I smiled and she left the room.

Sighing once more I decided on black high waisted jeans with a band tee which i tucked in my jeans, I put my hair into a high bun and applied red lipstick to the makeup I had on all day when my phone beeped.

From Harry: I'm outside.

I raced down the stairs, kissing my mum goodbye and climbed into Harry's car.

"I'm scared" I admitted immediately.

"Why's that?" Harry began to drive down the street.

"Your parents, what if they don't like me, I'm afraid they'll be the snobby type," I bit my lip and tweedled my thumbs.

"They are the snobby type." Harry laughed. 

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