Chapter 24

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(POV) Casey
I woke up and i couldn't feel Bryces arm around me. I was to lazy to get up because i was really comfortable so i stayed on the coach. Then it was around 10 minutes and i did see Bryce yet. I get up and look around the whole house and he wasn't here. I look on the fridge and there was a note "go to my pack and we will start training" i took the note off the fridge and i look on the back it said "you'll know if your getting close to me" will that kind of creepy will better get dressed. I got dressed and i was wearing leggings and a sports bra and a T-Shirt over it. Will here goes nothing. I leave the door.
I walk to the park and then something hit me. I close my eyes and then suddenly i saw were Bryce was he was sit in the open grass in the back of that building waiting for me. Then i saw the entrance. I ran as fast as i could and i really didn't want anybody to stare at me. i tryed to become invisible and then i did it was pretty cool but i had to be careful. Their were guards at the entrance. I throw a rock the other direction so i could get in. The guards moved and i ran passed them with out them hearing me. I walk to the building and i get through with out getting caught. Sit righg next to Bryce with out him knowing. I put my hand on his shoulder and then he jumped.
C- shhhh
B- wait what where are you
I turn back so you can see me
B- wow
C- i know right
B- did they see you come in
C- nope
B- good job
C- thx
B- will we are going to do fight training
C- ok
B- so i will try to go easy on you
C- k
B-  so lets do some stretches and then we will start
C- k
10 minutes later we are done stretching.
B- ok so first we are going to do dodging
C- k
B- ready
C- you
We get in to fight position. Bryce swings and i dodge it. Bryce swings out his foot and i dodge it again.
B- will you have pretty good dodging skills
C- thinks
B- now lets just see if you can pin me to the ground
C- ok...
B- ready
C- yup
B- go
Bryce swings and i dodge it. Then he does more and i dodge them. I ran back and then Bryce ran for me and then i turn invisible.
B- now that unfair
C- how
Bryce is trying to figure out were my voice is coming from.
I push he back and he fell on the ground. He tryed get back up. I snapped my figures and i made him stay to the ground i sat on him and turned uninvisible.
D= Bryces dad
C- did i win
B- yup
C- yah
I snapped my figure and he can get up now. I get off of Bryce.
C- so who's the leader of the pack
B- my dad
I froze
B- dont worry he's nice
C- ok.../ scared 😨
B- i wont let anything happen to you
C- ok
B- will i have to do stuff with my dad you coming
I grab Bryces hand
C- yup
We walk to his dads house. We walk in.
B- dad come here
His dad comes down stairs and i hide behind Bryce and i turn invisible.
D- why did you want me to come down here for
Bryce moves and i can see his dad but he can't see me
D- there's nothing there
B- turn uninvisable
I turn uninvisible and his dads face drops. Then i hide behind Bryce
D- how did she do that
B- i dont know
D- what else can she do
B- Casey give me that book over their/ points at the coffee table
I lift up the book and put it in Bryces hands
D- that's so cool
B- yah but there's a weird side of it
D- what do you mean
B- long story
D- lets sit on the couch
We sit on the coach and Bryce was telling his dad about when i got my wolf. I look around his house and i saw a tedy bear that look so soft.
C- can i see the tedy bear
D- go head
I lift up my hand and i lift up the tedy bear and i floats right to me. When i got to my hands it was so soft. Bryce and his dad was watching
D- its so fascinating that she can do that
B- yah but be careful what you do because she can make you freeze in place
D- what do you mean
Bryce calls one if his friends to come in here. He walks in the door
B- hey this will not hurt
His friend had a confused face
B- do the thing
I look at his friend and then i snapped my figure and he froze in place. I lift up up my figure and he was floating. I snapped my figures again and he fell to the floor and ran out.
D- your so gifted
C- thanks
D- do you know what type of werewolf she is by her fur color/pattern
B- yah about that we haven't see this type of fur color/pattern in years
D- really
B- yah
I look at the door
C- he's coming
B&D- who
C- the guy who pushed me to the ground
B- get behind me
I moved behind him
The guy came through the door and standed in front of us
G- why is she here/😡
He went close to me and Bryce growled at him and he backed away.
D- leave now
The guy walked out
B- oh yah i forgot one thing
D- what
B- she's my mate
D- really
B- yah
D- i told you so
B- whatever
C- so what's your name
D- my name is John
C- will nice to meet you john
J= john
Bryce and John were talking and i was really tired. I put my head on Bryce shoulder and then i fell asleep.
(POV) Bryce
J- we are going to have to do some research on her fur type/pattern
B- yah
J- the guys need more hands on some of the fencing because some of it fell
B- ok can we stay the night
J- yah you guys can sleep in the guest room
B- thanks
J- will it looks like someone was tired
I look at my shoulder and Casey is asleep.
B- will we did do training to day
J- really how did she do
B- she did pretty good
J- will you guys should get some sleep
B- yup will night
J- night
I carry Casey up the stairs and went to the guest room and put Casey on the bed and put the blanket on top of her. I took my shirt off and went to the bathroom.
(POV) Casey
I started to wake up and i look around and i was in bed and i think Bryce was just in the bathroom. My shirt was so uncomfortable and then i remembered i had a sports bra on so i took off my shirt and put it on the floor. Bryce comes out of the bathroom and look at me.
C- what?
B- nothing
C- are you sure
B- yup
Bryce gets in bed and i look at him. I grab his hand.
C- you know you can tell me anything
B- i know
C- ok
I turn around and i still think something was wrong but i when to sleep.

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