Chapter 2: When I saw them

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Dakot's (POV)
The Next Day
When I wake up I turn off my alarm and grab my phone. I first check my instagram, twitter and finnaly snapchat. And then I decide to text Casey and see if she is awake
Me- Hey you up
Casey- Ya Whats up
Me- Nothing just getting ready
Casey- Same
Me- ok well I will see you at the bus stop
(Later at the bus stop)
"Hey casey whats up" I said "Nothing much just waiting for the bus" said casey. As we walk on the bus we sit down, and we sit in our seperate seats. Then we pull up to the next bus stop and this was Nathan, Jonas, Aj and Grayson's bus stop😍❤ I was so happy.
As they get on i see nathan looking for a seat and then he spots me with nobody next me and then sits down. Jonas walks behind him and sits in the seat diagnal from us and aj then sits with Casey and finally Grayson sits diagnal from them.
We finaly arive at school and all of the boys get off then me and casey are the last ones to get off like usual. We start walking towards our lockers and all of a sudden I stop and just stare at Nathan and Jonas, and next thing you know casey is snapping and yelling in my ear saying "dakota hello are there, who are you staring at" as I start to blush. Then I finally snap back into reality and tell casey "You know who in looking at" "hmmm let me see Nathan and Jonas" "Well duh" and we head to class.
(After class at lunch)
I see casey sitting with the boys and i go over and sit in between her and nathan. Then we all start talking about homework.
(Skips the rest on school)
We all sit where we sat earlier this morning then me and casey get off and head home(even tho we live right next to each other.)
Then I go inside get some water and some chips and sit down on the couch and start doing hw. And out of nowhere I get a text, so I grab my phone to see that I was in a group chat with Jonas, Nathan and of course me. I see that nathan texted and asked if we should all do hw together? Jonas answered "sure" then I responded and said "why not be over in a min." ( sense he lived right next to each other)
I head over to Nathan's house and knock on the door then he answers, then I walk in seeing jonas already here. So I pull out my hw and we start working. Then next thing I know I end up in between them talking about this weekened. An 1hr later I check the time and see that its 7:30pm and I tell them "Hey I g2g, see you tomorrow on the bus" and then I wink at nathan. When I get home I hop in the shower then I go to bed.
(The next morning)
I wake up to casey calling me
"Hey dakota are you up" she yells in my ear.

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