Chapter 10: Our Christmas and New Friends?

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Dakota's (POV)
Today was christmas and I was super excited to see what he got me. Also to see what nathans reaction is to what I got him. So I wake up on nathans bed with me rapped up in his arms. So I slowly got up trying not to wake him up and walk downstairs to make pancakes.

After I finish making the pancakes I walk back up to Nathan's room and he was awake.
I tell him "good morning and Merry Christmas" then kiss him as we walk down to the Christmas tree and sit. He first hand me my presents then I hand him his. We both open our presents and see it was clothes, shoes and he got me makeup and I got him a new ring light. After we open those presents he comes up behind me and tells me he has one more for me.

He goes and stands in front of me then he gets down on one knee then say "Dakota do you promise to never ever do anything with anyone else promise to be with me." I scream "YES" then he puts the ring on my finger and says "I also have a matching one." Then I kiss him for a good minute or two, then we just chill and watch netflix.

(2hrs later: Its 3:30pm)
"Hey nathan" I say looking at him
"Ya dakota whats up" he says looking towards me.
"Did you see that car that just pulled up into my old house's driveway?" I Say confusingly
"No and why are you so concerned about it?" He asks me
"I dont know its just that my parents literaly just move out like 3 days ago and some other family already moved in, and also right next to AJ someone just moved in." I explain to him
"Well maybe we can go and meet up with them see who it is?" He asked me
"Ok well then lets go get dressed so we can meat them." I say kissing his lips

Then we both walk up stairs to get dressed i hop in the shower then get dressed and he just gets dressed.

As we walked out with our finger intertwined I see our new neighbor was a teen girl about 15 and shes really pretty.
I walk over to her and say "Hi"
"Hi you must be my neighbor, my name is Alison whats your name" she says as she puts her hand out for me to shake.
"Hi my name is Dakota" i take her had and shake it.
We continue to talk and get to know eachother over starbucks.
(2hr later)
Then we head back home and text eachother to plan to hang out tomorrow.

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