Chapter 5: The Question

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(POV) Casey, I wake up not realize were i am So, i go down stairs look AJ and then i hear him singing one of his new songs. He saw me looking at him and i *blushed* when he was done he came to me and then give me a hug. "Do you want breakfast" he said and i nodded. He told me to sit on the couch in the living room. while watching tv i could smell the pancakes.he came to me give my plate of pancakes thx "no problem" his said So, we talk and getting to know each and we felt closer together. We put our plate in the sink."Follow me" he said, ok. While i was following him i know were we where going we where going to the piano. He gave me a stool to sit on. Be for he went to sing can i be your boyfriends, before i could speak he sings click the video now. I was listening very carefully of what he was saying. I started to cry. When he stop singing he runs up to me saying are you ok... then i kissed him for 5 minutes and we were siting down on a bench and i was on his lap. He start to look at me a  "im guessing we are official now". I kissed him on the cheek."that a yes"
He looked very happy. it was 12 am and he ask for me to stay in tell morning i said yes,  i go up to his room i sit on top of his bed. we watch a movie and then he pulls some popcorn not any type of popcorn. The popcorn had m&m in it. I look at him weirdly. " what try it", i start to get a chunk and start eating it. This is really good. He gave me a look of i told you so. Give him a silly face and he laughs. He told me the we better go to sleep. I going under the cover  his bed and i get comfortable and so does he and we drift into sleep.

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