Chapter 16: Where Did He Go??

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Dakota's (POV)

So its the next day and I wake up to someone calling me. I rub my eyes, grab my phone (not knowing who is calling) I answered it and heard a voice I thought I would never ever hear again. And this is how the convo. went
"Hello, who is this"
"Well you should know who this is by the sound of my voice you've known me for awhile"
"Oh no, why are you calling me right noww"
"Well I calling to see if I could come and vist you baby"
"Ok well I know that its just that I wanted to catch up cause we havent chatted in a while now and you dont have to yell at me"
"Well I kinda do because first of all- you broke up with me second- I dont like you like that and third- you live like 2500 mile away"
And how is that going to stop me from seeing the most buitiful baby girl in tge world..."
"DONT CALL MEE THAT and yes their is a lot of things stopping you from see in me"
"Ok well name 3 things that will stop me from seeing my buitiful baby girl"
2.My Boyfriend (nathan)
And 3. All my friends"
"Ok well I can get throught to you and your boy friend but wht friends you left them all here"
"Well lets see i've been here for a while now... so you think in all that time I coulden't make any friends"
"Ok ok you have a point I just want to see you baby girl"

(Ends Call)

*Nathan enters the room*
"Hey I heard you screaming and didnt want to interrupt anything, but is everything ok?" He asks me cuncerned
"No not really" I say hugging him
"Why? What happened? If someone hurt you I swear I will hurt them myself." He says hugging me tighter
"Well its kinda a long story but to sum it up my ex bf William Weston Koury wanted to see me and I told him no and that I have you also that he calling me his "buitiful baby girl" and it kept making me mad and he said it one last time then I ended that call" I say starting to get watery eyes.
"Well its ok now that im here right?" He asks
"Yes" i responded
"Ok well me and jonas thought that it would be a great idea if we would all take a walk in the woods, so do you wanna come with?" He asked me
"No im just gonna stay here and relax today" i say walking back to the bed and grabbing my phone.
"Ok well if you need anything call me" he said as he left the room then the house.
--1 hour later--
   Jonas came running back to nathans house and up to his room. He yelled at me "WE NEED TO GO BACK TO THE WOOD TO FIND NATHAN" he says out of breath.
"Wait why? Where is he?" I asked
I dont know someone was chasing us then I told him to follow me and i thought he was but he went a different way and I couldent see him."
He says still trying to catch his breath
"Ok well where does that foest lead to and does he have his phone?" I said
"He has his phone and there is a tall gate at the end you can never pass but knowing him he probably climed up a tree, mabe even our tree." Jonas said with a weird look on his face
"Ok then lets go and look for "your tree" and see if he's there befor its too later." I say rushing out the door.
--20 minutes later--
We finnaly reach the tee and saw his name but then we heard someone walking and turned around to see someone we thought we would ever see...

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