Chapter 17: He's a Vampire

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Casey's (POV) ( continued from Chapter 15)
Bit him on the neck and then he blacked out and i found him on the floor, i ran torward him and i saw the two might marks on his neck but, at first i thought he was kidding and then i know it was real So, he woke up and i saw he had fangs "what" your-r a v-vampire "wait what" i had him a mirror and he did see him self. "Shit why did i walk back here" we go home and he only knows one person who's turned it was grayson, he call's Grayson and saids that someone turned him and grayson got here in two seconds, WOW (they looked at me) Grayson check's his fangs to see what kind of vampire he is and said he was just like him. He said that he needs blood to live and eat said he drinks cow blood to survive and he said the at some point it's ether AJ has to turn me in to one or we cant be together because he would want my blood So, then they tell me to think about AJ turning me So, i told him to sleep down stairs and i sleep in the bed. I fall fast a sleep in bed...

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