Chapter Thirty-Four

Start from the beginning

We drove several minutes toward the Fire station.

"Stop here." Christy parked next to the curb, parallel parking. I snorted. "I don't think it matters how you park."

Christy slapped the palm of her hand against her forehead. "Duh."

Getting out of the car, we walked along the sidewalk. Another hour passed when I yanked Christian back by his shirt. Christy turned confused, and I put my index over my lips. "Shush..." We moved quickly against the wall. I peeked out the corner finally a herd too big to walk by. The herd; over a hundred zombie members marched around the Fire station. "Fuck me." I smacked my head into the wall.

Seeing the problem, Christian brows wrinkled into a frown. He swayed his arm out to the Fire station. "How are we going to get to them?"

Taking a moment to gather my thoughts an idea came to me. I needed to believe they were all safe in the station. My mind couldn't process anything less than that. "We need to make a huge distraction."

"Like?" Christy asked.

I pursed my lips. "An explosion." It was after six in the evening and now was not the time to cause any trouble. I wasn't comfortable with escaping at night. That's when the runners came out. "In the morning." I looked at where we were. At the end of the block was a burger restaurant. It was diagonal to the Fire station. There was an alley on the backside of the Burger place. I needed to trust that Felicia and Madison could handle themselves for the night. Something inside told me they were alive and healthy. "Let's go."



The zombie herd increased. Neither Felicia and I understood what was attracting these walkers to our location.

Fortunately, the walkers weren't trying to break in. Something outside kept them occupied. If only the walkers could occupy themselves further away. I kissed Brennon on the forehead, whispering a good night as Felicia took care of the girls.

Watching the girls fall asleep, my eyes drifted to Felicia allowing both girls to rest their heads on her lap. She ran her fingers through their hair, leaning her head back into the wall. She looked exhausted and in much need of a head rub of her own. I smiled, not realizing I had, caught by a brief glance from Felicia.

Naturally, I turned my head away, watching my daughter sleep. The thought of losing Brennon was terrifying. I was sure in reverse, it would be terrifying for her to lose me. I could not fathom the idea of either of us being without each other. Those girls would have a long recovery ahead of them, losing their father so gruesomely.

Time passed with too much thinking and I drifted off to sleep. A thump against the outer walls of the Fire station woke me. My heart raced; my ears more alert. Nothing else occur. I took a deep breath, telling myself to relax. Looking over, I found Felicia asleep, her head leaned far to one side. She was going to have a serious neck ache in the morning. Carefully, I lifted Brennon's head from my lap, placing my jacket under.

I ambled quietly to Felicia, kneeling down beside. Making my way over to her, I realized I was nervous. What was I doing? In the mist of kneeling in front of her, I got caught up in thought.

"You need something?"

I looked up, thankful I did not scream from unexpected words. Luckily, she didn't touch me. Last thing we need was a bunch of zombies finding out we were inside. Then we'd be screwed.

"I seemed uncomfortable..." I pointed to her neck..."I thought, you know..." Where was my confidence?

Felicia smiled, sitting up. Free from the girls, she stood up stretching out. Her green searched mines as she dropped her arms loose at the side. Felicia's body was average build, toned in the arms and legs. She hand a pretty heart carved face; auburn hair pulled into a ponytail. Lips curved into a smile, I looked back up to her.

Shaking her from my mind, I pointed off. "I need to wash my face." I had no purpose in telling her that other than to escape her presence. She caught me checking her out.

I lingered by the sink, running the water really low so it could not make a sound. I splashed water onto my face, letting it drip down to my chest. Turning, I found Felicia walking my way. "You need something?" That came off abrasive.

Felicia formed a half smile. "I am in need of a distraction from sleep. I figured I would do the same thing." She pointed to the sink. "Unless..."

"No, no." I shook my head, pinching the bridge of my nose. "I'm sorry. I can't stop being rude to you for some reason."

Felicia kept silence, splashing water on her face.

"What? No come back response?" I asked, surprised she hadn't made a smart comment.

Shaking her head, Felicia shrugged her shoulders. "I realized in the last few hours, life is too short. We don't have time to waste. Tris is giving me what I'm asking for. I'm thankful to at least have found her. You have your own life with your daughter. And Tris too. We can keep Tris happy in our own individual corners." Felicia grabbed a paper towel wiping her face. "I'm not stupid. I know she'd in love with you. I don't think of you as competition."

"Wait?" I held my hand up, confused. "So...yo were never really interested in me?" Somehow, the thought of Felicia only seeing me as a conquest hurt.

"Yes, I was. I still am." Felicia frowned. "I'm only trying to respect you and not make you feel uncomfortable around me anymore. At the end of the day we both care about Tris. I don't want to cause any trouble. I just also can't say that I can give her up."

" want us to be with her separately?" I asked. I was offended by the idea.

"Well...yes," she said bluntly. "You can enslave yourself to societies views on the correct formula for a relationship. And when you're done playing fantasy house, I'll have my time with her."

In an outburst, I slapped Felicia insulted by her words. "What I feel for Tris is no fantasy. And...if I lived in general societies view, I would have married a man."

Felicia grunted. "There are other ways in following societies rules. But the thing you can't see pass, is there is no longer a society. No government. No politicians or crazy religious groups to tell you how you should live."

"What's you point?"

Grinning, Felicia shook her head. She looked pass me to make sure the girls were still asleep. "You are attracted to me and won't admit it. I can tell that mind of yours is wondering what it's like to be with both Tris and I, but won't allow yourself to go there. If it took you several years to admit your feelings to much longer will it take for you to admit you want me too? Want both of us?"

We both leaped back, finding Brennon standing beside us. "Mom..." she mumbled, wiping her sleepy eyes.

I reached for Brennon, kissing her head. "Shush honey. Let's go back to sleep." I shifted a brief glance to Felicia, walking away from her.

Relieved Brennon woke, I laid down beside her.

Eventually, Felicia went back to the girls. She laid, flat on her back.

Our conversation was definitely over. I didn't want Felicia's words to be right. Not giving myself the time to process her words I forced my mind to shut off, falling asleep.

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