Chapter 35

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"Suka Mayato" Suka replied, while shaking the guys hand. The two of them walked out of the store together with grocery bags in their hands. They stopped at her car and put the bags in the trunk.

"You look really familiar, you know." Tendou said.

"Really?" Suka replied.

"Yeah... What school do you go to?" he asked.

"Karasuno, and you?" she replied.

"Really? Looks like I'll be seeing your school tomorrow!" Tendou replied.

Suka looked at him with a puzzled expression.

"I go to Shiratorizawa" he added.

Suka's eyes widened, then asked, "If you're from Shiratorizawa, what are you doing in this part of town?"

Tendou scratched the back of his neck as he replied, "I accidentally took the wrong subway, and now I'm sort of lost. I found this store nearby so I decided to get something to eat."

"I can give you a ride home! Plus, I owe you one for helping me with these groceries." said Suka.

Tendou flashed a bright smile and nodded happily. They both got in the car and sat inside.

Tendou was surprisingly not shocked by Suka's terrible and reckless driving, so they managed to have a conversation while in the car. They were both laughing at each others jokes and making one another giggle.

"Well, looks like we're here!" Suka said, as Tendou unfastened his seat belt.

"Thank you, again." he replied.

"I think I should be the one to thank you!" Suka exclaimed, and waved goodbye.

She drove home and put all the groceries away before going to her room.

"Hello, Kuroo Jr." she said, picking up her cat. "You're growing so fast!"

Her cat looked back at her with his beautiful, blue eyes.


Suka glanced at her phone.

"Hello love. Turns out the emergency was just my mom being to lazy to do the dishes." the text said, from Kuroo.

Suka giggled and replied. They texted each other till they both fell asleep. The next morning Suka woke up and threw her bandages out into the trash. She put her crutches in her closet before sighing in relief.

She checked her clock. 7:28am. Friday, April 23rd.

"What the hell? How does time fly by so fast? Just a second ago it was March! And It's already my birthday?" she said aloud.

She sighed before getting ready, and left for the championship game. Shiratorizawa vs Karasuno.

She arrived in the gym half an hour later, where she found that no one was there yet.

I guess no one remembered... she thought.

She took out her clipboard and sat down on the bench.

"Suka!" she heard someone yell.

She quickly looked up and saw Tendou skipping toward her.

She stood up and greeted him with a hug.

"How are you!" Suka exclaimed.

"I'm feeling great, and you?" he replied.

"I'm good!" she said with a smile.

"That's good to hear. By the way, what exactly are you doing here in the gym? Shouldn't you be on the bleachers?" he asked.

Suka laughed before saying, "No, I'm the assistant coach for the boys team."

"So you must know a lot about volleyball!" Tendou replied, with a burst of sudden energy.

"I guess you could say that." Suka replied.

Slowly the Karasuno boys started making their way into the gym, so Suka and Tendou waved goodbye to each other and went back to their benches.

"Hey, Suka!" Suga exclaimed, as he put his stuff down by the bench.

"Suga!" Suka replied, and gave him a tight hug.

"Suka, come help me with the line ups" Coach Ukai suddenly said, stopping Suka and Suga's conversation.

Suka looked at Suga and shrugged before joining Coach Ukai with the line ups. As she was writing down names in different spots, she thought, Does anyone even know it's my birthday?

She handed Coach Ukai the clipboard and stared at the ground with a sad face.

The first set began, and finished just as quickly. 25-16.

"I don't know what's with this guy! Not only is he left handed, but it's impossible to read his spikes. Just keep trying to figure out his momentum and how to stop him. If you can't completely shut down his spikes, at least try to make him use a straight, and Nishinoya will be there to receive it." Suka said to the group.

Suka's speech had helped them pull up in the second set, but her new friend from Shiratorizawa had given them a new challenge. The guess monster, who could easily read spikes just based off of instincts.

However despite how good the guess monster was, Karasuno won the second set due to Tsukishima's amazing block, which caused Suka to tear up from its beauty.

As the team was coming to the bench, Suka threw herself onto Tsukishima, dramatically.

"Oh, how beautiful that block was!" she said, placing her hand on her forehead.

"Get off me, you tsundere." he replied, while shoving Suka off of himself.

"Oi! Watch it, baka!" Suka exclaimed.

Shiratorizawa took the third set, making the score 2-1.

Everyone was getting more and more tired, because of the extra 2 sets they would have to play.

"You guys can't loose energy! Wake up, you still have a whole set and half a set to go!" Suka exclaimed.

She walked around and karate chopped everyone in the arms and legs to wake them up. Everyone was groaning with pain when they got on the court for the fourth set.

Suka seemed to bring Karasuno's focus back, and they won the fourth set, because of Hinata's surprising left hand attack.

"That was great, kiddo!" she said merrily.

Hinata smiled brightly before grabbing his water bottle from the bench.

During the final set, Suka had to take Tsukishima to the infirmary due to a finger injury from trying to block one of Ushijima's spikes.

"Are you sure you'll be alright?" Suka asked.

"That doesn't matter right now. The game matters most, lets go." Tsukishima replied, and hustled out of the infirmary.

"W-Wait! What about your finger!" Suka called, running after him.

They ran into the gym, causing several people to gasp. The score was 14-14, and Tsukishima had made it just in time.

15-14 for Karasuno.

Everyone on the bleachers was on their toes, waiting to see who would be the winner of the game.

"Come on...." Suka mumbled.

The ball came over to Karasuno's side, and Kageyama tossed it to Hinata.

"Go Hinata!" Suka yelled. She crossed her fingers and bit on her tongue in fear that he would mess up.

He spikes the ball, and everyone's eyes follow the ball onto the other side of the court. Onto the ground.

The gym goes silent as everyone stares at Hinata.

They beat Shiratorizawa.

Suka Mayato from KarasunoWhere stories live. Discover now