Chapter 26

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Suka ran back to where they kept all of their bags and towels, and grabbed everything. She ran to Akaashi's car and searched all over his bag for the keys.

"Get back here!" Kuroo yelled, trying to cover his junk with his hands.

Suka quickly unlocked the car and jumped in, before locking it again. She sat in the driver's seat, watching Kuroo, Akaashi, and Bokuto slam their fists on the window while yelling, "Open the doors!"

Suka opened the window slightly before saying, "I thought you guys didn't want to leave?" and smirking.

"Suka it's not funny! What if someone see's us? Plus it's windy, my balls are getting cold..." Kuroo complained.

"Maybe just 5 more minutes..." Suka replied, grinning evilly.

"SUKA!!" the three boys yelled in anger.

"Alright, alright, fine." Suka replied, unlocking the doors.

Instead of opening the other doors, they opened the door closest to Suka. Bokuto grabbed her by the wrists and pulled her out of the car. Kuroo lifted her up and threw her over his shoulder.

"What the hell are you doing? Put me down!" Suka shouted, while kicking and punching.

"No, you're gonna get punished for what you just did." Akaashi replied.

"At least put some clothing on... You guys look like you're about to rape me..." Suka said.

Akaashi turned around and ran back to the car. He came back with their swimsuits and threw them at Bokuto and Kuroo. They put them on continued walking.

While she was hanging over his shoulder, Suka grabbed Kuroo's butt and said, "How does it feel, huh?"

"I don't know why you hate it so much. It feels nice." Kuroo replied blankly.

Suka groaned. After a few minutes of walking, they stopped in front of an old shack.

"What the hell are we doing here?!" Suka asked.

"Shut up." Kuroo replied.

"Excuse me? Make me, jerk." Suka scoffed.

They opened the door and walked in. it was empty except for a shovel, some ropes, and some trunks.

"As you wish." Kuroo replied, putting her down on one of the trunks.

Before Suka could reply, he smashed his lips onto hers and shoved his tongue in her mouth.

Suka pushed him away and glared at him.

"Don't you dare." she said, angrily.

She got up and started walking towards the door but the three boys were blocking her way.

"Move." Suka demanded.

"No." Bokuto replied.

With out hesitating, Suka punched him in his junk, causing him to collapse in pain.

"You shouldn't have done that, Suka." Akaashi said, dead serious.

Suddenly Kuroo grabbed her by the wrists and pulled her into his chest so she couldn't escape.

"Let go of me!" Suka yelled, as Akaashi grabbed the ropes off of the ground. He tied them around her wrists. Kuroo pushed her towards the wall and Akaashi tied the rope to a peg on the wall, so she wouldn't be able to escape. She stood angrily with her arms pinned above her head.

"Get the hell away from me." Suka said.

"Nuh-uh. This is your punishmenttttttt" Kuroo replied, smirking. He grabbed a cloth off of the floor and tied it around her eyes.

"Stop!" Suka yelled, but it was no use.

Great. I can't move and I can't see. I'm also in a revealing swimsuit with three guys around me, Suka thought. Wait, what the hell? Am I about to get raped? Suka thought again.

Flashback : 4 years ago

"You sure are beautiful for such a young lady..." the man said.

"Please stop! I'll do anything!" Suka replied, sobbing.

"I don't think so, darling. You just look so tasty, I can't help it." the man replied, kissing up and down her legs before plunging his tongue into her folds.

"Stop!" Suka yelled, trying to loosen the ropes around her.

"Never." the man replied.

He slowly lowered his pants revealing his member. He leaned in towards Suka, with a cruel grin on his face. Before entering his thing in her, the doors of the shack they were in got blown down.

"Stop what you're doing! You're under arrest for sexual assault!" the police officer yelled.

Back to Present

"Get off me!" Suka replied, tears forming in her eyes. She felt nothing but pure anger, sadness, and fear. Thanks to the blindfold, they couldn't tell that Suka was crying. She couldn't take it anymore. She kicked who ever was touching her and tried her hardest to rip apart the ropes. Once she did, she grabbed the blind fold and threw it across the shack. Tears started dripping down her cheeks. The three boys looked at her and were shocked. She took one last look at them before running out of the shed, sobbing.

"What the hell just happened?" Kuroo asked.

"I don't know... I thought she would like it..." Akaashi replied.

"Did I just see the Hulk? How did she rip apart those ropes?" Bokuto asked, holding the ripped ropes in his hands.

"I don't think that should be our biggest worry at the moment..." Akaashi replied. They looked at each other once more before running out of the shack, in search for Suka.

However they were too late, they looked down the street and saw Suka getting into a taxi. The taxi took off and they were left by themselves.

"Let's go." Bokuto said, and they started running towards Akaashi's car. They got out of the parking lot and drove to Suka's house. Once they got there, they parked in the driveway.

"We'll wait here. I think she would want to see you the most..." Akaashi said.

Kuroo nodded and jumped out of the car. He held Suka's things in his hands and knocked on the door. Mrs. Mayato opened the door.

"Hello?" she asked.

"Hi, can I talk to Suka? It's an emergency." Kuroo replied, desperately.

"I don't think she wants to see you right now..." Mrs. Mayato replied.

"Please. Just for a minute." Kuroo said, frowning.

"Well... Alright. Please be careful." she replied.

Mrs. Mayato opened the door to let Kuroo in and yelled, "Suka! Tetsurou is here to see you!" at her daughter, who was clearly upstairs.

"I don't care! Tell him to get out!" Suka yelled back.

Kuroo's heart was slowly starting to crumble.

"Suka... Please come out..." Kuroo said, but loud enough for Suka to hear.

"No! Get out of my house and don't ever come back!" Suka yelled back.

"Suka! Come downstairs and apologize right now!" Suka's mom yelled.

Suka's door slammed open and she stormed down the stairs. Once she was half way down, her whole face became visible. Red eyes, tear stained cheeks, and messy hair.

"Suka... Please. Can we talk about this?" Kuroo asked, quietly.

"No! Get the hell out! Do you not understand?" Suka yelled.

"Suka, what's wrong?" Kuroo asked.

"I'm breaking up with you!"

Suka Mayato from KarasunoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon