Chapter 19

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Suka stared in disbelief.

"W-What?" she asked.

"I-I said I love you!" Kuroo repeated, louder this time.

Suka stared at him for a moment, before replying. "I-I love you too... Tetsurou.." while staring at the ground.

Kuroo lifted her chin up with his finger, and said, "Please don't ever ignore me or leave me like that."

"I won't" Suka replied.

Kuroo pulled her into a tight hug before letting go and looking down at her.

"I'm so lucky.." he said.

"What do you mean?" Suka asked, tilting her head side ways.

Kuroo looked at their reflections in the window. He pointed at Suka's reflection.

"That beautiful girl standing there is all mine. That's why I'm so lucky." he said, turning to her. He leaned down and kissed her.

He looked at her hands which were still covered in wet blood, and looked at her in shock.

"What happened?!" he shrieked.

"You piss me off sometimes, that's all." Suka replied, giggling.

He grabbed Suka's wrist and starting dragging her to the nurses office.

"Kuroo, please stop! It's nothing big, it happens quite often. I just need to put a bandage over it and I'll be fine." Suka assured.

"Fine..." Kuroo replied.

They walked back to the cafeteria and shared a cup of fries. They noticed Bokuto and Akaashi walking in, holding hands. They were surprised to see Suka and Kuroo sitting next to each other. They sat down next to them.

"I see you two have made up..." Akaashi said.

"She loves me too much to be mad at me" Kuroo smirked, putting his arm around her neck.

Suka glared at him. She jammed her fingers into his side, and said "Try me."

"Ow... That hurt..." Kuroo complained.

"That was the plan." Suka replied, and laughed.

"Who do you play against tomorrow?" Akaashi asked Kuroo.

"Shinzen. You?" he replied.

"We play this little one's school." Akaashi said, pointing his fork at Suka.

"WHO ARE YOU CALLING LITTLE?" Suka asked, pouncing on Akaashi across the table.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!" Akaashi begged, trying to loosen Suka's grip on his collar.

Kuroo jammed his fingers into Suka's side, which caused her to instantly let go of Akaashi and fall back down on her seat. She slowly turned her head in his direction. The aura around her started bursting into flames and Kuroo started running for his life. Suka chased after him.

As Kuroo was leaving the cafeteria, he turned back and yelled to Bokuto and Akaashi, "Meet us in the gym in 2 minutes!" before continuing to sprint at full pace. Suka chased him through the halls, and they finally stopped in the gym. She tackled him down and sat on top of him.

"I'm sorry, babyyyyyyyyyyy" Kuroo said.

"Whatever." she replied, and got off of him.

Bokuto and Akaashi came running into the gym.

"2 on 2?" Bokuto asked, out of breath.

"Me and kitten against you two" Kuroo said.

"Stop calling me that!" Suka protested.

Suka Mayato from KarasunoWhere stories live. Discover now