Chapter 30

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The next morning Suka woke up first, because she had the second day of the Spring Tournament today. She woke Kuroo up, and started choosing something to wear.

Kuroo groaned as he got up. "Why'd you wake me up so early? I don't get ready for school for another hour...." he complained.

"I have to be at the tournament. I was late yesterday so now I'm gonna get there early. Come on, get ready." Suka replied, throwing his shirt at him.

Kuroo groaned and started getting dressed.

"Can I come with you? Half of the students at my school are going to watch the tournament anyways." Kuroo asked.

"Tetsou, you could get in trouble. I think it's better if I drop you off at school." Suka replied.

"Suka, I don't care about getting in trouble. I don't even think Kenma's going, and he's the most innocent person in the school." Kuroo said.

"He's probably just gonna stay home and play video games all day!" Suka argued.

"I'll call him up right now and tell him to come with us. I'll tell Lev and Inuoka to come as well." Kuroo replied, taking his phone out.

"What! No! Don't drag them into this!" Suka said, trying to grab his phone from him.

"Too late!" Kuroo replied, putting his phone to his ear.

"Hey, Kenma! Wanna come watch Karasuno's matches?...... Okay, sweet! I'll call Lev and Inuoka too. Okay, bye." Kuroo said, and ended the call.

"I hate you sometimes." Suka said, limping out of her room and into the bathroom.

Kuroo followed after her and sat down on the edge of the bathtub.

"Kuroo, close your eyes. I need to change." Suka said.

"Um excuse me, you see me in nothing but my boxers all the time and I never complain." Kuroo replied.

"Ugh, fine. Don't stare too much or you'll make me uncomfortable." Suka said, looking in the mirror.

She took her shirt off and threw it into her room and did the same with her shorts. Before she could put a different shirt on, Kuroo wrapped his arms around her and grabbed her breasts.

"Kuroo!! What are you doing?!" Suka exclaimed.

He squeezed them and said, "These are a decent size...." before letting go and bending town so he was at level with her butt. "But this, this is perfect..." he added, rubbing his cheek on her butt.

"Kuroo! What are you doing?" Suka yelled again.

"Admiring my beautiful girlfriend." he said, standing up straight.

He pulled at her underwear and said, "I like these."

"Kuroo, let go. You're gonna rip the lace." Suka replied, pulling his hand away.

"Thanks for the tip. Can't wait till you're in bed with those on." he said, licking his lips.

"Kuroo! You're so dirty minded!" Suka replied, smacking his cheeks.

She put on a baggy sweatshirt like always, and searched for a pair of shorts to wear. She found a pair of ripped jean shorts and decided to wear them. She managed to get her legs in the holes but had trouble getting them over her thighs and bum.

"Kuroo, can you help me?" she called from her bedroom.

"Hold on, babe." Kuroo replied.

She heard the toilet flush which caused her to laugh, and Kuroo came in her room. He looked at Suka who was standing in front of the mirror, holding a pair of jean shorts around her knees.

"Help me pull these up." she said, which sounded like music to Kuroo's ears.

He walked over and pulled them up has best as he could, causing her butt to jiggle.

His junk slowly started to rise and he said, "You do the rest. I need a minute." running out of her room and into the bathroom. He closed the door behind him but forgot to lock it.

He pulled his member out of his pants and started stroking it. He started pumping his fist up and down when he suddenly heard the door open.

"Sorry, I just need to grab a pair of earrings." Suka said, walking in the bathroom.

She looked at Kuroo, who came right at that moment. She quickly looked away and said, "Kuroo! Oh my god!"

"I had to, or else I would've been stuck with a boner for the next hour!" he argued, while wiping his thing off and putting it back in his pants.

Suka stood for a moment, but then turned around.

"Next time, you could've asked me to help." Suka said, walking out of the bathroom.

Kuroo sat in shock; he couldn't believe Suka would ever say that.

He ran out of the bathroom and saw Suka about to go down the stairs with her crutches.

He quickly grabbed her waist and pulled her back.

"I don't think so." he said.

He took her crutches and bent down so she could get on his back.

"I told you I'd take care of you." he said, walking down the stairs.

"Whatever." Suka replied.

Kuroo put her down and gave her crutches back to her.

They walked to her car and sat down.

As soon as Kuroo shut the door to the car, Suka took off.

"Suka! Slow down!" Kuroo shouted, trying to get his seat belt on.

"We're gonna be late, and we still have to pick up Kenma, Inuoka, and Lev!" Suka yelled back.

"They're all at Kenma's house! Please just slow down or we'll get a speeding ticket!" Kuroo yelled, with a scared expression.

"Oh please, I never get speeding tickets!" Suka replied.

Suka turned the radio on and put the volume as high as it could go, and opened all the windows.

They stopped at a red light, and the people in the cars next to her looked at her and and Kuroo.

"Help me! I'm married to a crazy person!" Kuroo yelled, as Suka took off again because the light turned green.

When they drove down Kenma's street, the three of them were already waiting outside.

Suka's car suddenly came to a halt in front of his house, causing Kuroo to go flying into the dashboard.

"We're here!" Suka yelled through the window.

The three boys all exchanged nervous glances before getting in the car.

"Seat belts on?" Suka asked.

"No" they all said in unison.

"Great!" Suka replied, and took off, which caused everyone to hit the back of their heads off the seats.

They all hurried to get their seat belts on, and held on to each other for dear life. After about 5 minutes of driving, everyone's faces were paler than a ghosts.

"How is it that you've never gotten a speeding ticket before?" Inuoka asked.

"Oh, if we pass by a police car, you'll find out." Suka said, calmly.

"WHAT?!" Everyone yelled.

Suka sped up even faster, and before she knew it, a police siren was heard behind her car.

"Perfect timing!" Suka said, looking through the mirror above her head.

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