Chapter 18

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"Guys, wake up!" Kenma whispered, shaking Bokuto, Akaashi, Suka, and Kuroo.

Everyone groaned as they were being woken up.

"Ew! I didn't shower after working out last night! Now I smell grosssssssss" Suka complained, sniffing her arm. "I'm gonna go take a shower" she said, and left before anyone said anything.

"I think I might join her..." Kuroo said, smirking.

"I don't think that's a good idea..." Bokuto said.

"What? Why not?" Kuroo asked, disappointingly.

"She has a huge scar down her leg that she manages to cover up with makeup, but I know she's really insecure about it when it's visible. That's why she doesn't like to go swimming often." Bokuto replied, frowning.

Kuroo thought for a moment. He sighed, then walked out the door.

"This isn't gonna end well." Bokuto told Akaashi.

As Suka walked to the showers and got undressed, she heard someone open the door. She looked up and saw Kuroo, with just a towel wrapped around his waist.

"KUROO WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? THIS IS A GIRLS SHOWER ROOM, GET THE HELL OUT!" Suka yelled, with so much anger in her voice. She tried to hide her leg, but Kuroo noticed the scar, going down from her hip down to her ankle.

Kuroo winced from Suka's outburst, and the scar.

"DO YOU NOT SPEAK ENGLISH? I SAID GET THE HELL OUT!" Suka yelled again, noticing that Kuroo saw the scar. Tears started to form in her eyes.

Kuroo started walking towards her. "What's that on your leg?" he asked.


"Suka, don't be like that." he said.

Suka pushed him out of the door and screamed, "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? DON'T TALK TO ME FOR THE REST OF THE TRAINING CAMP! I HATE YOU!"

She slammed the door after these words. She went back to the shower and started sobbing in the hot water.

Flashback; 7 years ago

Bokuto and Suka were playing volleyball on her driveway when their ball rolled across the road.

"I'll go get it!" Bokuto said, running towards the road.

Suddenly, a car came into view, driving at an incredible speed.

"BOKUTO WATCH OUT!" Suka yelled, as Bokuto looked up to see the car.

Bokuto closed his eyes, knowing it was too late to do anything. He felt himself get pushed and fall onto the ground. When he opened his eyes, he was laying on the other side of the road, looking at Suka who was looking back at him with blood pouring out of her leg. She was laying right in front of the car.

"Bokuto... Are you okay?" Suka asked, before she became unconscious.

The driver came out of the car with a worried expression on her face.

"Oh my goodness I am so sorry I wasn't watching where I was-" she said, before noticing the puddle of blood on the ground. She immediately dialed 911 and Suka was taken into the ambulance with Bokuto holding her hand.

"Please be alright..." he mumbled, tears forming in his eyes.

A few hours later, Suka woke up in the hospital bed, surrounded by her mom, Bokuto, Bokuto's parents, and the medical staff from the hospital.

"Hello?" Suka asked.

"Thank goodness you're alright, sweetie." Suka's mom said, as she leaned down and kissed her forehead. Her cheeks were stained with dried tears.

"Please don't ever do that for me again." Bokuto said, with a worried expression.

Suka cracked a small smile. "I'll try not to."

Back to Present

Kuroo stood in front of the door, in utter shock. He knew that Suka could get mad easily, but he's never seen her this angry before. The words I hate you were ringing in his ears. He started walking back to the boys change room, trying not to cry. As he got to the showers, tears started rolling down his cheeks.

They were both crying in the shower, regretting everything.

When Suka got out, she walked to the cafeteria to eat breakfast. She saw Suga sitting with Daichi, but she decided not to disturb the two love birds. On the other side of the room, Asahi was sitting by himself, staring through the window next to him.

"Mind if I sit down?" Suka asked, sniffling.

Asahi was startled because he didn't notice Suka walk over to him.

"Oh, go ahead!" he said and smiled.

He looked at her face. Pink eyes, red nose, and wet cheeks.

"Suka were you...?" Asahi asked, looking extremely concerned.

Before he knew it, Suka had started crying again. He immediately scooted over to her and wrapped his arms around her. She quietly sobbed.

"Suka... What happened?" Asahi asked, looking more concerned than ever.

She explained everything to him. About the cut, her insecurities about it, and about what happened in the showers. It felt nice for Suka to let everything out.

"Shhh.... Everything is going to be okay..." Asahi whispered, patting her back.

Suka sniffled, and wiped her tears away.

"Thank you for listening to me. It means a lot." Suka said, trying to smile.

Suka finished her breakfast and started walking back to her and Kiyoko's room to get changed.

As she was walking out of the cafeteria, Kuroo was walking in. He walked up to her but before he could say anything, Suka walked right past him with out looking at him.

Kuroo sighed, and found Bokuto and Akaashi sitting down together. He walked over to them.

Judging by Kuroo's frown, Bokuto said, "I told you it wouldn't end up well."

The day went by really slow for Kuroo. Every time he looked at Suka she would be talking or laughing with another guy, completely ignoring him. He tried talking to her, but she would just pretend he didn't exist.

"I can't do this! Does she even like me anymore?" Kuroo cried.

"This is all your fault, I told you she was insecure about it and that it was a bad idea. This is your mess." Bokuto replied.

Kuroo walked back to the Nekoma room and laid down on the floor. He stared up at the ceiling, regretting everything he did.

Suka walked to the gym and stared at herself in the mirror. She stared at the cut on her leg, that she didn't bother covering up.

"I HATE EVERYTHING!" she yelled, punching the mirror. She stood there breathing heavily, her fist throbbing from the pain caused by the glass. She continued throwing her fists until the mirror fully shattered.

She stared at her bloody fists and slowly started taking out the glass shards and throwing them across the room. She walked out of the gym and started walking towards the bathroom. Someone suddenly grabbed her wrist and pulled her into a classroom.

"Suka, please listen to me. I know you're mad at me for not leaving you alone about the whole scar thing but please, forgive me. I can't stand to see you talking to those other guys. It's my job to make you happy, not theirs. You're mine and no one elses. Suka, you bring light to my world and you're so amazing and perfect, and words can't explain how much you mean to me. I don't want to loose you." Kuroo said, with pain in his eyes.

Suka didn't say anything.

"Suka, please." Kuroo said. "I-I love you."

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