Chapter 15

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Suka got changed into her new shorts and to her surprise, they fit perfectly! She was walking down the hall when Nishinoya ran up to her.

"Suka! Can you help me with setter dump coverage?" he asked, excitedly.

"Of course! I was heading down to the gym anyways." Suka replied with a smile.

They walked back to the gym where they found Kuroo, Tsukishima, Hinata, Lev, Bokuto, and Akaashi playing a 3 on 3 match.

"Care to join us?" Kuroo asked.

"Not tonight. We're gonna use the other court to work on some skills." Suka replied, and walked towards the other court with Nishinoya.

"So although it's hard to tell if it'll be a setter dump, it's best to always move up a little when the ball goes to the setter. If they set it, you move backwards and get ready for a spike. If not, you'll already be there, ready for the dump." Suka said.

While she was explaining, she saw the shadows of two tall figures standing behind her.

"Can I help you?" Suka asked, turning around.

She met eyes with Bokuto and Akaashi.

"If your working on covering for setter dumps, it would make more sense if you actually had a setter, and someone blocking!" Bokuto said. "We will gladly help you out with that!" he added, pumping his fist in the air.

Suka and Akaashi stood on one side of the court, while Bokuto and Nishinoya stood on the other. They practiced setter dumps for hours. After a few tries, Nishinoya could easily return a dump.

While they all took a break, the boys practicing on the other court asked if they wanted to join them, to play a 4 on 4 match.

Suka and Nishinoya split up. The first team was Bokuto, Akaashi, Hinata, and Suka. The second team was Kuroo, Tsukishima, Lev, and Nishinoya.

The game started and Suka didn't let a single ball drop. Well, maybe a few just to let Kuroo feel satisfied with himself, but otherwise none.

Kuroo spiked, but Suka received it perfectly, which made Akaashi set it perfectly, which gave Bokuto the opportunity to swing right through the blockers. He spiked it into the ground, and it bounced up and hit the ceiling. Everyone stood in disbelief.

"HEY HEY HEY!" Suka and Bokuto yelled in unison.

"I've never seen such a frightening duo." Tsukishima said.

"What did you just say?!?!" Suka and Bokuto yelled.

Luckily Hinata and Akaashi held them both back, keeping them from doing any damage to anything, or anyone.

The game ended after everyone was dripping sweat, and huffing and puffing. 

Suka jumped on Bokuto's back and said, "To the cafeteria we go!" pointing her finger forward, sounding like a knight ready for battle.

Bokuto ran back to the cafeteria with Suka on his back, and they quickly grabbed something to eat before it closed.

Everyone except for Hinata, Nishinoya, and Tsukishima sat down at the table and ate.

"Hey, where'd the three of them go?" Lev asked.

"They probably went straight to sleep. They were practicing the hardest and learning the most out of all of us, anyways." Akaashi replied. 

Everyone nodded in agreement and ate their food.

"I should probably get going too. It's getting late." Suka said.

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