Chapter 21

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Suka hesitated, but agreed to stay one more day.

"I just need to tell Daichi" she said, and walked out of the room.

"Daichi!" Suka yelled, as she saw him talking to Suga down the hall.

"Hey Suka, got your stuff ready?" Daichi asked.

"About that, I'm gonna be staying here for one more day. I'll be sleeping at Kuroo's place." Suka said.

"Alright... But stay safe." Daichi said, turning around to go to the bus.

"Use protection!" Suga whispered, and winked as he followed Daichi.

Suka face palmed. She walked towards the parking lot where she met up with the rest of Nekoma, Fukurodani, Shinzen, and Ubugawa. While everyone was waving goodbye's, Kuroo, Suka, Bokuto, and Akaashi ran back in the school. Akaashi opened one of the janitors closets, revealing dozens of beer bottles.

"Go get changed and meet us by the pool." Akaashi said as he and Bokuto started walking away.

Suka and Kuroo got changed and walked to the pool. The lights were already off, but it was only around 7 or 8. They looked around and saw that there were no longer glow sticks on the net or anywhere. Instead, the whole net and the ball were glowing!

"We bought glow in the dark paint!" Bokuto exclaimed.

"Sweet!" Kuroo said.

After about 15 minutes, the rest of Nekoma and Fukurodani joined them in the pool.

Kenma looked at Kuroo's chest, then looked at Suka.

"You two must've had some fun yesterday..." he said, pointing out the hickeys on Kuroo's body.

Suka blushed and hid behind Kuroo.

Suddenly Lev ran in with bottles of beer in his hands, and yelled, "Who's ready to get wasted!"

Everyone cheered loudly.

"Babe, don't drink too much. You have to drive us back to your place after this." Suka whispered in Kuroo's ear.

"Yeah yeah, whatever." he replied.

Kuroo and Kenma were up for a beer chugging competition.

Suka face palmed. Poor Kenma, such a sweet innocent cinnamon roll. I can't believe they're making him do this.

Before Kuroo was even done chugging half of his bottle, Kenma was done.

"Holy crap!"  Suka exclaimed.

Kenma's cheeks turned a light shade of pink because he was drunk. He hiccuped as he giggled.

"Dammit! How do you drink so fast?" Kuroo asked, shocked.

"It's a *hiccup* secret!" Kenma said. 

Suka giggled, because of how cute drunk Kenma was.

"Bokuto! Put your pants back on!" someone yelled.

Suka looked over and saw Akaashi who was being cornered by Bokuto, who was butt naked. Suka instantly looked away and covered her eyes.

"Bokuto! Put your pants back on!" Suka yelled.

Bokuto turned around and yelled, "NEVER!" as he ran and jumped in the pool.

He came up out of the water and cried, "Owwwwwww my dickkkkkkkkkk... Akaashi, come make it feel betterrrrrrrrrrrr..."

Everyone looked at Akaashi, whose face went red. Everyone giggled.

"Bokuto you drunk owl..." Akaashi said, and threw Bokuto's shorts at him. "Put these on or we're not doing it tonight..." he added.

Suka Mayato from KarasunoHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin