Chapter 34

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The first set was incredibly close, but Karasuno won. During the second set, an angry looking blond boy was subbed on.

"Who's that?" Suka asked.

"I have no clue." Suga replied.

He spiked the ball tremendous force, causing everyone to become overwhelmed.

"This isn't going to be good..." Suga said, filling the silence in the gym.

Suka started writing furiously on her clip board, causing Suga to glance over out of curiosity. He saw a bunch of scribbled numbers and arrows.

"What's this?" Suga asked.

"Judging by his spiking form, I can guarantee you that he will mess up as many times as he succeeds." Suka said, as she stopped writing.

She stared at her paper and studied all of the arrows. She looked up and saw the guy getting ready to hit again. As he jumped, Suka yelled, "Don't block! It's out!"

Asahi, Tsukishima, and Kageyama managed to hear Suka and stopped themselves from jumping just in time. The ball came flying to their side, but Nishinoya moved out of the way and the ball went out.

He whipped his head sideways to look at Suka with his eyes widened.

"How can you read a spike that early?" he asked, puzzled.

Suka shrugged, and turned back to Suga.

"I was watching volleyball games last night to see if I could read their body language better. It's actually quite simple, I'm surprised I didn't realize it earlier." Suka explained.

Suga's eyes lit up.

"You're so cool!" he said, pulling her into a tight hug.

Suka laughed and continued watching the game. Her calls managed to give them a few points, but Karasuno still lost the set.

While the team was having a discussion, Suka pulled Kageyama away from the group.

"What?" he asked, as Suka stood in front of him.

"Watch your manners, you're talking to the assistant coach here." Suka sternly told Kageyama.

"S-Sorry." he managed to say.

"Look. I know Oikawa said it's all about the stronger 6 on the court; but in the end, this is really just a match between you and Oikawa. A volleyball genius will always beat someone with no natural talent. You just have to show him that you truly are a genius. I believe in you, and I know you can win. I'm doing as much as I can on the bench, but you have to take control on the court. Good luck." Suka said, and the buzzer rang.

"Kick some butt" she said, kicking Kageyama in the behind.

"Oi!" Kageyama replied, as he was pushed onto the court.

The score was extremely close, but Karasuno managed to win. After the last point, Suka jumped up and ran to the team. She jumped and squished them all into a group hug.

"I'm so proud of you guys!" Suka exclaimed.

"We couldn't have won with out your calls!" Asahi replied, trying not to get squished.

Suka walked over to Kageyama and congratulated him.

"You really are a genius setter." Suka said, smiling at him.

"Th-Thank you." he replied, and bowed.

Suka walked to Oikawa who was comforting a crying Iwaizumi.

"Good game, guys." Suka said.

Oikawa looked up and tried to smile.

"I guess no matter how hard I work, I'll always loose to pure talent." Oikawa said, frowning.

Oikawa started to slowly cry as well, and Suka quickly pulled Iwaizumi and him into her shoulders.

"Shhh... It's okay..." Suka said, rubbing their backs. They both quietly sobbed.

Suka took a step back and looked them both in the eyes.

"You guys did amazing. Even though you lost, you should be proud of yourselves." she said, as they both wiped their tears away.

"Thanks, Suka-bear." Oikawa said.

"Thanks" Iwaizumi added.

They both started walking away, and Suka watched their frowns return. She sighed.

"Shouldn't you be using your crutches?" someone said.

Suka turned around and saw Kuroo holding her crutches.

"I'm fine. It doesn't hurt anymore." she said, bluntly.

Kuroo looked at her disapprovingly.

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine." Suka added, and wrapped her arms around him.

"I don't want you getting hurt any worse. Please just keep using them for the rest of the day. Please?" Kuroo asked.

Suka sighed in reply.


Kuroo smiled and they walked into the hall together. They met up with Kenma, Inuoka, and Lev shortly after. As they walked to the parking lot, Inuoka said, "Tetsurou, can you drive? I just ate a hot dog from one of the stands and I'd like to keep it in my stomach." as Lev and Kenma nodded in agreement.

Suka scoffed and handed the keys to her boyfriend. They got in the car and drove to Kenma's house, where they dropped off Inuoka, Lev, and Kenma himself.

"Bye guys! See you soon!" Suka yelled from inside the car.

They all waved goodbye and entered Kenma's house.

Kuroo got a phone call and picked it up. "Hello?...... Emergency?......... Okay, I'm on my way...... Okay, Love you........ Bye." he said through the receiver.

"What's wrong?" Suka asked.

"My mom called. Some sort of emergency at home." Kuroo replied.

"Emergency? Looks like I should drive..." Suka said, trying to persuade Kuroo.

Kuroo sighed before replying, "Alright, fine."

They both tried to switch seats without getting out of the car, which was very difficult.

"Get your butt out of my face" Kuroo said.

"Get your face out of my butt!" Suka fought back.

After several minutes of struggling, they managed to switch seats. Of course, Suka didn't wait for Kuroo to fasten his seat belt, she just took off. He flew back and hit his head off the seat.

"SUKA!" he yelled.

"Sorry, babe!" she replied.

They got to Kuroo's house, and Suka stopped abruptly. She quickly kissed her boyfriend goodbye before he ran into his house. Suka drove back to her house and found a paper on the table.

"Had to go back to work, can you go to the grocery store and pick up these things? Love, mom." said the note.

Suka sighed and went back to the car. She drove to the closest grocery store and started shopping. When she payed for everything and all of the food was bagged, she picked it up and started struggling to walk, because of her crutches. She ended up dropping half of her bags, and everything fell out and onto the floor.

"Here, let me help you with that." someone said.

Suka looked up and saw a tall, lanky guy with spiky red hair kneel down beside her.

"Thank you" she said.

"Tendou Satori. And you are?" he said, putting his hand out.

Suka Mayato from KarasunoWhere stories live. Discover now