Chapter 11

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"I have great news!" Takeda says as he barges into the gym.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at Takeda.

"We've been invited to be a part of Nekoma's training camp!" he exclaimed.

Everyone jumped around the gym with glee, excited for the training camp.

A whole week with Kuroo... This is gonna be interesting... Suka thought to herself.

"However, if you fail your exams, you will not be privileged to go." he added.

Everyone's smiles turned into frowns.

"There's no way I can pass those exams!" Hinata exclaimed.

"Looking at your marks here, it seems that you, Kageyama, Tanaka, and Nishinoya wont be going unless you manage to pull up your marks." Takeda said to Hinata as he looked at his clipboard.

The four boys who were listed, groaned.

"They will study as hard as they can, and we will all get to go to the training camp." Daichi said to Takeda.

"That's good to hear. Also, I've found you guys a tutor! She's finished at the top of all her classes and I know she'll be glad to help you." Takeda said.

Whew. At least they have a tutor, so no one will be asking me to help them study. Suka thought to herself.

"Who is it?" Suga asked.

"Your dear assistant coach!" Takeda said, looking over at Suka.

She spit out the water she was drinking.

"ME?!" she asked in disbelief.

Takeda looked back down at his clipboard. "Well, you have the highest marks in the grade besides Tsukishima, so I thought you'd be a good tutor. Plus, you're already in the club anyways!" he said with a smile.

Suka thought for a moment. "Well, alright. If it's for the team, then I'd be glad to." she said.

Tanaka and Nishinoya's eyes lit up. "Suka-chan! You're the best!" they said in unison.

Suka laughed.

That day after practice, the whole team went over to Suka's place to study. As they walked in her house, her mum stood in the kitchen with a puzzled expression.

Suka looked at her mom and easily read her expression. "The team needs help studying. We'll be in the living room." she said, and walked down the hall with the rest of the team following her.

They all opened up their books and started studying. The third years were sitting on the couch watching, because they had no problem with their exams and passed with ease. Yamaguchi and Tsukishima were also helping out with tutoring because they were passing easily as well.

The door slid open and out came Suka's mom with huge trays of food. Everyone's eyes lit up.

"I brought a little snack for you guys to help with studying!" she said as she placed the food on the table.

"Thank you!" everyone said in unison.

"What schools are going to the training camp?" Suga asked.

"From what I remember, Nekoma, Shinzen, Fukurodani, and Ubugawa are going." Daichi replied.

"Kotaro goes to Fukurodani" Suka's mother said.

"He does??!?!?" Suka replied, as her face lit up.

"Who's Kotaro?" Hinata asked.

"His full name is Kotaro Bokuto, he's her cousin" Suka's mom replied.

"And he's my best friend!" Suka added.

"The devil's best friend... This can't be good..." Tsukishima muttered.

Suka shot a deadly glare at him.

"See what I mean..." he whispered to Yamaguchi.

"Alright, have fun studying" Mrs. Mayato said as she left the room.

"Your mum is an amazing cook!" Asahi said, smiling.

"I'll be sure to tell her that" Suka replied, and smiled back.

Once they finished studying, everyone packed their things and left.

"Thanks for the food!" Nishinoya said, as the team started walking to their homes.

The next morning, Nishinoya and Tanaka managed to pass their exams, but Hinata and Kageyama didn't. That means they would have to take supplementary exams on the first day of the training camp.

As they got to practice, Coach Ukai asked Suka if she wanted to take part in the training camp as a player and not as assistant coach. Suka agreed to this of course.

"I'd love to, but ummm... I don't have any volleyball shorts. My old pair ripped and I can't find the time to buy a new pair." Suka said and frowned.

"I think there are some extra pairs in the girls club room. You could check there." Daichi said.

Suka walked to the girls club room and found a pair of shorts. They looked slightly small but it was better than nothing.

She came back into the gym and said "I'm just gonna try these on" as she walked towards the change room. Daichi nodded.

She came back a few minutes later with the shorts on. "I think they're a little small..." she said, and turned around.

Everyone's jaw dropped. The shorts barely covered half of her butt!

"Do they look okay?" she asked.

Everyone immediately nodded, even Kageyama.

They started practice, and everyone kept sneaking a peek at Suka every once in a while.

Practice ended and everyone went home.

Why was everyone staring at me? Did I do something wrong? Suka thought to herself.

The next morning when she got to school, she noticed Kageyama had scratches all over him.

"What happened?" she asked, walking next to him.

"It's not like you would care." he replied, without looking at Suka.

"If I didn't care, I wouldn't have asked." she replied sternly.

Kageyama stopped walking. "I got into a fight with Hinata." he said, and suddenly ran off.

Suka stood in disbelief. What the hell happened yesterday? she thought.

At practice that day, Hinata and Kageyama ignored each other the whole time.

The next day everyone got to school very early, because of the training camp. The bus pulled up and everyone got on. That is, everyone but Kageyama and Hinata, who would be taking their supplementary exams that day.

A few hours later, they reached their destination.

As the Karasuno team walked in the gym, Suka saw her favorite cousin practicing on the court with one of his team mates.

"BOKUTO!" Suka yelled.

Bokuto jumped up in fear, but when he turned around and realized it was her cousin who called his name, ran to Suka. She jumped into his arms and hugged him.

"Hey hey hey!" they both said in unison.

"So this is the devil's best friend" Tsukishima said.

Suka looked at him and shot him a dirty look.

"Come meet my team!" Bokuto said and dragged Suka towards a group of boys who were wearing teal practice jerseys. Once he told Suka everyone's names, he walked over to a boy on the other side of the court, and smiled.

"Last but not least, this is Akaashi" he said, proudly.

"Why do you sound so proud?" Suka asked.

Akaashi blushed.

Bokuto said, "Because he's my boyfriend!"

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