Chapter 20

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Everyone started scrambling out of the pool, and running into the change rooms. Everyone quickly changed and went to the cafeteria.

Kuroo and Suka stood in line together, holding hands.

"Can I have 5 large iced coffees..." Suka said tiredly.

"Didn't get enough sleep?" the lady asked, noticing the bags under her eyes.

"Yeah." Suka replied, and sighed.

The lady handed Suka her coffee and they sat down at a table with the rest of the boys who were at the pool with them.

Suka started drinking her coffee while talking to Bokuto and Kuroo. After she finished her last cup, a burst of energy went through her body.

"Woah! I feel great!" Suka said, getting up and hopping around the table. "You guys wanna go to the gym and work out? I could go on all day!" Suka exclaimed.

"Did the lady put some kind of drug in her coffee?" Akaashi asked. Him, Bokuto, and Kuroo looked at the cafeteria lady, who winked at them.

"Uh oh.... This isn't gonna be good..." Kuroo muttered.

"Come on! Let's go to the gym!" Suka said, tugging on Kuroo's shirt.

"Hold on... Let me finish my breakfast..." Kuroo said.

"You can finish it later! Let's go!" Suka said, dragging Kuroo out of his seat. They ran to the gym together, and Suka immediately started using one of the machines as soon as they walked in. She was going at an incredibly fast pace.

"Aren't you gonna join me?" Suka asked.

Kuroo didn't reply, he was too busy thinking about how hyper Suka was.

"Guess I'll have to get you to join me, myself." Suka said, as she started walking over to Kuroo. She grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him down, then crashed her lips onto his. She leaned back and looked at Kuroo, who was speechless. She continued making out with him. Their tongues entered each other's mouths, fighting for dominance. Suka pulled away and whispered, "I take charge this time..."

Suka took off his shirt and started kissing down his neck, then to his chest, leaving hickeys all over his body. She tugged at his sweatpants. "These pants are bothering me. Take them off" she said. Kuroo smirked and did as he was told. She started moving down to the waist band of his boxers when the door opened.

"BOKUTO!" Suka yelled, running over to him. "Let's go down to the gym and practice before our game!" she exclaimed, jumping on his back.

Bokuto was confused at first, but then they started running down to the gym.

Kuroo was still in the gym, standing with nothing but his boxers on.

What the hell just happened? He thought to himself.

As Bokuto and Suka were warming up together, Suka kept running around the court yelling random things, and jumping up and down.

"Suka... Please calm down..." Bokuto pleaded.

"I am calm!" Suka replied, jumping up and down.

The rest of Karasuno walked in the gym. Suka ran up to them and hugged each of them, saying "Good morning!" with a wide smile.

"Suka..... Being..... Nice.....? This is strange..." Tsukishima said.

Bokuto quickly ran over to the Karasuno team and whispered, "I think she's on some sort of drug... I'll explain more later..."

Everyone looked back at Suka who was jumping around the bench, humming.

"Oh boy..." Suga said.

Suka started on the court, but Coach Ukai immediately subbed her off, because of her reckless receives.

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