Chapter 1

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I received a few dirty looks from the typical barbies of the school as I walked down the corridor, same as usual, they hated the fact that they were in love with someone who had me as a sister.

I walked into my first lesson, English, and sat at the back.

"Uh huh Jullian Judge, you're seat is up here from today onward" my annoying teacher tutted.

"And why is that?" I remained in my seat.

"Because I am the teacher and you have to listen to what I say" she crossed her arms.

"So what? I'm the student, why can't you listen to what I say for once instead of standing there with that stupid smug look on your face and your twig arms crossed?" I leaned forward and the flushness of my teacher's cheeks was noticable to everyone in the room.

"Out of this room right this instant!" she yelled, furiously.

"Gladly." I smiled, picking up my backpack, and walked out of the room.

I decided to bunk Maths and hung out in the toilets. At break I went to the canteen.

"What makes you think you're so cool and that you can just do whatever you want without there being repercussions?" I turned to see Katie, one of my brother's biggest fans.

"Oh there are repercussions Katie, I just don't care nor do I ever learn my lesson. Any other queries you have which are of relation to me?" I smiled sweetly.

"I would slit my throat if I ever had a daughter like you" Katie spoke casually and before I knew it my hands were around her neck as numerous people began yelling and crowding around us.

"I'm coming for you! You're gonna regret that more than anything!" I yelled back at her as I was lifted off of Katie and carried out of the canteen.

"Leave me alone!" I spat and pushed away the arms wrapped around my waist. Once I was dropped I turned around and my eyes immediately met with light green ones.

He didn't say a word, only stared at me for about a minute before walking away.

Ok.. well he wasn't wierd at all I thought.

* * *

I walked through the door and my mum appeared into the hallway from the sitting room.

"Your school called" she stated.

"Mum I'm sorry, I know I said that I would change but the girl, Katie she said that if-" I began to ramble on and my mum rose her hand uptowards me.

"Enough Jullian, just enough. I'm sick and tired of grounding you and taking away your luxuries, you never learn your lesson anyways so you know what? Just enough." and with that she turned and walked up the stairs.

I sighed and walked into the living room, sitting down on my dad's old recliner.

"You know mum's been crying right?" Jacob spoke as he entered the room and sat down across from me on the leather sofa.

"She's so disappointed in me, Jake. I dunno what to do anymore" I tilted my head back and closed my eyes.

"Maybe stop being such a trouble maker" he quietly chuckled. "What even happened this time?"

I sat up and opened my eyes "Alright well you know Katie, blonde, green eyes, big butt?"

"Ah yeah" Jacob nodded.

"Well, she said that if she ever had a child like me then she'd slit her throat" I whispered.

"Oh Juju," Jacob got up and walked over to me "don't do that."

"Do what?"

"Go back to that place. Don't." he ruffled my hair.

"Oh get off and stop calling me Juju" I laughed, pushing his hand away and got up and went to my room.

"Goodnight Juju!" Jacob shouted up the stairs at me.

I lay down on my bed, closed my eyes and tried to stop myself from remembering my Dad.

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