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Sorry I've not updated in forever. I haven't wrote another chapter yet for three reason; one being I don't know what to write, two is not having the time too and thirdly I've been trying to make process in my transition. Like Harry in my story, I am transgender myself. I recently came out to my grandparents and my dad, and they have been okay with it so far. The next step is to contact the gender identity clinic to go further, but before that I just want to come out to the world. So, that has brought its emotional strain and it has been preoccupying my mind, causing me to abandon this story for a while.

People always used to post that they were flooded with school so they couldn't update their fan fiction; I'm now one of those people. If any of you have any ideas as to where you want 'the new boy' to go, please message me. If you have a idea for the next chapter, great! I'l write it if it's got a continuous flow to it. So, if any of my readers want to get involved, please please please please message me because writers block is a bitch, and I also don't want to disappoint you guys by being an author that leaves a story incomplete and on a cliff hanger.

Once again I'm sorry for not updating! But remember, stay classy and remain beautiful ;) 

The New Boy // zianourry {Harry centric}Where stories live. Discover now