Chapter 4

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Just incase you don't know who's who:
Niall- Blonde
Zayn- Blonde streak
Liam- Stubble
Louis- Blue eyes

I looked at the door in front of me; C14. I was hesitant to open the door because I knew something was waiting for me behind it. Of course it's probably just the classes curiosity, wondering who is standing outside the classroom. It's just nerves. Get over yourself.

Taking a deep breath, I tucked a loose curl behind my ear and opened the door. What met me were faces filled with curiosity, disgust and shock? There was a group of alphas sitting at a table in the back of the class, staring at me. The one with blond hair appeared like he was about to scream or cry, but I couldn't tell. Next to him, a guy with a streak of blonde through his hair looked as if he was going to hunt me down if I ran out of his sight. The other two, blue eyes and stubble, had eyes that were filled with desire and longing. I must be reading them wrong.

For some reason, all I could see were them. It was as if there was something pulling me towards them. I've never felt this feeling before. It's probably them just using there ranking to draw me in, only to take advantage of me and throw me to the curb. With that in mind, I walked up to the teacher.

"Oh, you must be our new student." I nodded my head, feeling too intimidated to say anything. "Okay then. Well, we've already splint into groups for the year...". She rested her chin on her fist, looking conflicted what to do. With a sigh and an almost sorry look she continued. "Everyone's in groups of five, except for that group over there." She pointed over towards that table. The table with the, dare I say, attractive alphas. When I glanced at them, the one with the feathery hair and blue eyes winked at me. I could feel my cheeks slowly burn up. Why is he having this affect on me? They all looked at each other with devilish smirks on their faces. Oh my god, this is going to be torturous.

Impatiently, Mrs Litmen handed me a book and shooed me away like a dog. "Go and sit down. You can stay back after class and I'll give you some material to catch up." Without a second glance, she turned to face the board, scribbling down nonsense about a topic I know nothing about.

I didn't want to get in trouble, so I began walking towards the rest of my group. My eyes remained glued to the floor, taking in the ruffed up converse on my feet. For the second time today, my heartbeat was all over the place. This day was just getting too much and it didn't help that my binder was uncomfortable. Yet, I'd rather have a flat chest than some discomfort for a few hours.

When I reached the table, I glanced up at the alphas before me. They all were looking at me as if I was something to eat. Why did they intimate me, but make me feel a sense of belong at the same time? I guess I'm just that needy for company.

"Ermmm, hi.". Was all that would come out of my mouth. I was about to take a seat to make the situation less awkward, when I realised there wasn't one.

Stubble saw my confusion and let out a faint raspy laugh. "Baby, you can come and sit on my lap if you like." He said whilst looking at me with hungry eyes."I promise I wont bite". My already flushed cheek heated up even more, but without even thinking I made my way over to him. He looked pleased with himself for getting me over here. I still couldn't put my mind around what was going on. However, when he reached out his hand to bring me closer, I sharp electrical zap happened as my hand touched his. I gasped and pulled away in shock, whilst cradling my hand close to my chest. I looked up at them all, to see their reaction, but they looked ready to pounce.

I slowly started backing away from them, hurt filling each of their faces. Without looking back, I ran out the room. "Hey, get back here!" Mrs Litmen shouted, but I didn't pay attention. Tears started pooling in my eyes, but I can't let them fall. I ran and ran till I reached the bathroom. I locked my self in the end stall, slowly falling to the floor.

It couldn't be true. Not here, not now. They couldn't be, but the spark was there. Tears streamed down my check as the pieces came together in my mind. I've found my mates.

Another chapter done! I hope this story isn't too badly written.

If any of you want to contribute to this story, you can comment or message me any scenarios that you want me to involve. Hopefully that will stop any writers block I may get :D

Anyway, I really appreciate you guys reading my story, 100 reads in 2 days! Thank you :)

Stay classy and remain beautiful,
Sam //

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