Chapter 12

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(I'm sorry if there's loads of mistake. I suddenly started writing at 1am and this was the outcome. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, the lot. Sorry if it's awful)

.We all sat around the kitchen table, eating the spagetti I made for us all. I'm sure my mum won't mind me using the secret family recipe for them; but what does it matter? They're all hopeless at cooking anyway...that was evident this morning.

Basically, this morning I came down stair to the blaring whine of the fire alarm; these four idiots set it off. Zayn was wafting the smoke away from the alarm with a tea towel, whilst Louis looked around panicked with the remains of eggs smearing his fingers as if they were the guts of his enemies. Liam was at the sink, chucking in the guilty pan that started this and Niall was lying on the floor, trying to soak up a pool of milk with his tee shirt. It looked like utter chaos, all because they tried to make omelettes.

I smiled at the memory from this morning, only to have my thoughts interrupted by a highly excited Louis.

"Where did you learn to cook like this?" Louis exclaimed, " it's fucking amazing. Like, damn love, you're the complete package." He ended with a wink in my direction, causing my whole face to burn up. But despite that, his enjoyment was obvious; the sauce is painted around his lips as if he tried to apply lipstick in the dark.

"Well as you know my mum isn't the best in the kitchen." They all chuckled as they thought back to the bakery murder scene they walked into last time...those poor baked goods! "Despite her terrible cooking, the rest of the Styles family were amazing cooks once upon a time. I taught myself really, using the old recipe books. That lead me to get a job in a bakery in my old town." I stopped speaking and shoved a heap of spaghetti in my mouth because damn, If there was anything I was good at, it was making spaghetti.

Oh my god, we should totally reenact the lady and the tramp scene!

Niall, seriously?

Yes, Liam I am beyond serious; this is my serious face.

Niall, you look constipated.

Come on Liam it'll be fun.

"You do kind of remind me of the tramp from that movie.", Liam looked at me, mock shock stretching his face. "Oh come on, that dog was cute." I giggled, mentally picturing Liam making stupid faces as he slurped spaghetti, with an Italian chef serenading him.

Liam rolled his eye, but kept on smiling "Okay, okay. I'll take that," he paused, placing his finger on his chin, "but, what Disney character would you boys say Harry was?"

"Definitely Simba. I mean, common! Look at his hair!" Zayn suggested as he rugged up my hair. I scrunched up my nose in distasted, but laughed anyway. His hands were amazing.

Harry, you can't think about the guys hands right now. DISNEY IS INNOCENT! Stop being dirty.

Louis swatted Zayn's hand into his bowl of spaghetti as he sat on my lap and clung on protectively. "I would say he's more of a Mowgli and we're all the jungle folk. I mean, we want to protect our precious man cub, right?" He said with an 'innocent' grin. He kissed my cheek and jumped off my lap, wandering over to the fridge.

I brought my hand up to my cheek, touching the spot Louis' lips touched, causing me to blush. Even though he left traces of spaghetti sauce, I didn't mind.

Niall dropped his folk, causing us all to look at his. "No! Oh my god, He would totally-" he stopped, chewing the rest of his food as he bringing up his finger telling us to wait.

Seriously Niall.

He over dramatised swallowing his food, but then got back to it "you are fucking Bashful from Snow White!" He said with a huge grin. "You know, cause of all that blushing he does; it's cute."

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