Chapter 13

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(Not really spell and grammar checked; sorry for any mistakes!)

Waking up had been hard this morning since the events from last night were bombarding my head. All I wanted to do was stay wrapped up in my homemade safety blanket, but of course I had to go to school.

Slowly, I clambered down the stairs. It was pretty early, but I wanted to get to school before my alphas did. All of my instincts told me to go to them, but I can't. I don't want that part of my life back, and I certainly don't want them knowing about it.

Wandering towards the door, I discarded the thought of breakfast. All this stressing has left me without an appetite. But before I could get myself fully out the door, my mum pulled me back, consuming me in one of her warm hugs. To say I needed this was an understatement, yet I avoided it because now I feel like I'm going to cry. But I can't, I have to be brave. I'm not going to let Zac get into my head again.

She grabbed my face and looked at me with warm, caring eye. "Harry, come straight back home tonight, okay?" It made my heart hurt even more. I've already caused my mum enough pain with this, I don't need to put her through this again.

With a smile I replied, "of course I will, mum." She let out a sigh of relief, "please try not to worry. When you worry you start baking and we both know how that ends."

She slapped my arm playfully as I began to laugh. I love teasing her because she knows I'm not doing it with a cruel purposes. As the short spurt of laughter passed, her hand tenderly started stroking my arm, trying to comfort me "What happens in the kitchen, stays in the kitchen Styles." She smiled up at me, "you mister are the one that needs to be safe okay? It's my job to worry, I'm your mother."

Her hand went stationary on my pale skin, waiting for a response. I brought my hand up and squeezed hers as a silent, "I know, I love you mum."

"See you at four?" She stated, letting go of me, making her way back inside.

"See you at four." I replied

I gave her a weak smile, hoping to reassure her that I'll be okay. Maybe if I pretend enough, I will subconsciously start to believe it myself.


Leaves were crunching under my shoes as I scuffed my booted feet along the concrete. Walking in the cold with my breath fogging around me, gave my mind some time to breath. All the stress I've been feeling has stepped aside, as a chill creeped its way over my skin. I honestly hope to god that this works out because I don't know if I can take avoiding my mates for more than 5 minutes.

The weekend was amazing, that's for sure. I even started to come out my shell. That was surprising in itself. I just want to be happy and be myself without any hidden catches. And what keeps on reeling itself back to me? Zac. I just want my mates to know that I'm not avoiding them because of something they did, it's just this whole situation has made me scared. Scared they will find out about a shit ton of things.

I wish I could just delete my past from existence, but if I did, I wouldn't be where I am today; with my mates.

My mind stopped suddenly as I felt a weird sensation over my body. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end and I came to a halt. I've felt this before and it's not something I want to feel again. Someone was watching me.

I could feel their eyes crawling up my skin as if they were inspecting every scrap of hair on my body. The shiver that ran through my body sent me into a slight panic. So I did the only thing I could think of; escape.

My feet hit the ground over and over again as I ran my way to school, being careful not to slip on the damp leaves bellow me. My heads probably making this all up, but I couldn't chance it. Someone was watching me. Who? I don't know, and I definitely don't want to find out.

The New Boy // zianourry {Harry centric}Where stories live. Discover now