Chapter 18 : Welcome to Resembool

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I couldn't sit anymore. I needed to be arrived! Why so? Well first, because I really wanted to call my brother to apologize, and second, because I also really wanted to meet Edward and Alphonse's family! They said she was their mechanic, but she was also their childhood friend, so I bet she was important! Edward laughed at me.

-You're so nervous, Karen!

-Shut up! You don't know what it is to completely mistake your brother for another guy!! Moreover, I like meeting friends of friends, I giggled.

-Of course I don't know! Because I never doubted my own brother, he shot out his tongue at me, and she isn't as nice as you think you know....

-Oh please, friends are all amazing, or you wouldn't be calling them friends! And wait... you mean... you you talk about me as "not so nice as you think"?!

-Come on, that's the truth after all! Remember the first time we met?! You literally provoked me!

-Pff! And?? You answered it!!

-Please you two, stop it, Alphonse tried to calm us down, people are staring at us....

I sighed and crossed my arms, looking at Edward.

-Why are you like this? I asked him.

-Oh please! You're the only one excited to see Winry...

And I started to wonder what this girl had to make them so.... Depressed?


-Y-you forgive me...? I asked my brother through the phone.

I called him about ten minutes ago, and oddly enough he immediately picked up. I was sure he didn't do his paperwork, but I currently didn't really mind. I told him about how I felt and how I was terribly sorry to doubt him...

-Of course I do! I should be the one sorry for letting you think I don't love you without even noticing it!

I giggled slightly, shedding a tear.

-If we keep saying it's our fault, it will never end, so let's say it's our fault, I stated giggling.

-You are right! he said.

There was a slight pause before he spoke again.

-You have many things to do. I shall let you right? And I'll wait for you to come back from Resembool!

-Ah by the way, um... I began guiltily, I'm not going back to East City, we planned a trip to Central, to visit the national library...

-You found another way to find the Philosopher's stone? he asked me, surprised.

I thought a little and decided he could know after all.

-Actually, we met the Dr Marcoh, I whispered.

-What?! Truly??!! Oh well, alright. I hope everything will be okay then.

-Yeah me too....

I noticed Edward gesturing me to hurry up.

-I have to go brother, they are waiting for me. Take care and, please, be nice with your men! I laughed.

-I am nice with my men! I don't know what you're talking about! he laughed too before adding seriously, take care too, I wouldn't want to lose you.

Wind of hope {FMA OC fanfiction} - UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now