Chapter 1 : I want to die...

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I woke up in a comfy bed, in an immaculate white room. Weakly, I turned my head toward my right side and noticed the colorful bouquet on the nightstand. I sat up on my bed and tried to reach for the glass of water in front of me. Vainly, my hand never succeeded to grab it. My blanket fell on my knees and I could plainly see the emptiness on each of my shoulders. Tears threatening to come out of my eyes, I looked down, remembering every little detail of this night. In a flash, I caught a glimpse of the scary door, the white and endless room, the white figure... What was it already? My thought were interrupted by the door brusquely opened, revealing a messy head. His same eyes as mines staring at the void of my own, he slowly came toward me, a light of anger shining in his gaze. I raised my head slowly toward him and he pulled me tightly against him. I didn't react and let him do. I didn't want to move. I didn't want to protest. I would let him express his frustration for not being with me when that happened. My brother. Roy Mustang. I allowed my eyelids to close and darkness took over my view. I was fourteen and I just lost my two arms in a human transmutation.


I stared at the wall in front of me. I didn't think, I didn't feel, I didn't live. In fact, all I wanted right and now was to die. I was correctly sat on a not comfortable chair in a small house of Rush Valley. Even if I didn't express my will to live anymore, the only thing I muttered since I came out of the hospital was a quiet "give me automails Roy". After all, I was so useless without my arms ; no alchemy, nothing. My brother was forced to accept and brought me here. I knew it would be painful, I knew it so well. But I didn't mind anymore. I didn't want to live anymore. A woman came out of behind a curtain, a wrench in a hand, wearing loose pants and her brown hair tied in two braids connected with a khaki ribbon. She also had a tank top of the same color and incredibly blue eyes. She was about my brother's age.

-Name's Helen! What can I do for you? she asked cheerfully.

Roy removed gently the coat off my shoulders and revealed my two stumps.

-My little sister wants two automails... She lots her arms in a...

He hesitated a little, knowing my act went against the law.

-A train accident.

-Oh well! she exclaimed seeming to believe us, what's your name young girl?

-Karen... I mumbled.

-Sorry? I didn't hear you! If you want to say something, say it louder! she told me.

-I'm Karen! I said a little bit louder but a little annoyed.

-Strong head as I see... It's painful, are you sure you want them?

-If I didn't consider the moments when I'm supposed to suffer, I wouldn't be here right now, I replied curtly sending her a short glare.

-Fine! They'll be ready in a week!

I nodded and my brother guided me toward the door, putting the coat back on my shoulders and greeting the mechanic. He was about to tell me something but seeing the emptiness was back in my eyes, he closed his mouth. We walked toward the hotel room in silence and he opened the door for me. I sat down on the couch and waited for nothing to happen. He pulled a chair in front of me and sat down as well, worryingly.

-Karen, I can understand that it was a hard experience, but you have to hold on! If you asked me automails, I'm sure a part of you still wants to live. I know it.

I let him talk, not answering at all. If a part of me wanted to live, my entire mind was with Katy.


When I opened my eyes, there was an unbearable pain coming from both my shoulders. I winced and contained a gasp as I tried to sit up on the bed, but was stopped by a powerful hand on my chest, pushing me back on the mattress. Even if my view was blurred, I could clearly see who was in front of me. My mechanic, Helen. She was smiling at me, her wrench still in her hand.

-Well miss! You shouted amazingly loud for someone supposed to be as strong as you!

I answered her with a death glare and looked away.

-Your brother already paid. When you'll be able to, you can leave.

I nodded as a sign I got it and closed my eyes again, too tired to say a word anyway.


It had been two months. My reeducation was going well, even if it was still a little painful. I stayed at my master's home, she knew all the truth and wasn't sure to forgive me yet, but she was helping me the best she could. Laetitia, even with her terrible personality, had always been a nice person, mostly since her daughter died. She gave me few exercises, like moving my fingers a hundred times, turning my shoulders fifty times or such for me to get better. While I was working, she usually took an alchemy book and watched me carefully when reading. I wouldn't hide it ; I really liked my master. She was one of those reasons why I didn't want to die yet. Speaking of that, I abandoned this idea a month ago because of my brother. Even with his job as a military, he did his best to stay as much as possible with me. I could be stubborn or stupid, but not blind. Roy wanted me to stay with him, I couldn't just ignore that. I was even sure Katy wanted me to live too. As the real friend she was, she would watch my acts from beyond the clouds, but never would she ask me to reach her. I smiled a little, which hadn't exactly going unnoticed by my master. Her lips extended upwards and a bright smile drew on her face. Laetitia was silently congratulating the first light in my eyes in months.

-Your right shoulder is too stiff Karen ; keep going but relax a little, she commented.

-Yes master, I answered.

//hey there!! If you don't understand why three parts came out today, it's because I could post only the prologue and a page of Karen's diary!! ^^ so here you go with chapter 1!! See ya all!! :D

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