Chapter 11 : New horizons

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My fingers nervously tipped on my blanket as I looked through the window. I had only been three hours but I couldn't hold it anymore.... Why was my leg broken?! Now, I would be stuck with beguiles during three months! I looked down and frowned. My project was ruined! I planned to go to Central to try the State Alchemist exam this year, but with a broken leg I wouldn't be able to do the last test, practice. It was awful, horrible... Alphonse entered in the room t check if I was alright or not, beguiles in his right hand.

-I brought those for you, he said kindly.

-Thank you, I nodded with a slight smile.

He put them close to my bed before looking back at me.

-Ed went here this morning. You were asleep.

-Oh.... I said, did he say anything?

-He has a solution for this town's problem, I can't tell you though.

I poured slightly, crossing my arms and tilting my head, hoping I would make him fail.

-Please? I promise not to tell anything!! I swear!! I begged him winking.

The young brother sighed and shook his head as if he had no other choice. I knew he just wanted so much to tell me! I smiled, proud of my little victory as he took a chair and explained me anything. I was surprised Edward actually broke the laws to transmute stones in gold, and all of that to buy this stupid lieutenant Yoki! I stretched my automails when he ended his story, laughing.

-He's so evil! I commented.

-Are you not too...? Alphonse sighed again.

-Glad to know you think I'm someone bad~ I teased him.

-You changed.

Those two words stopped me right in my speech. What did he mean? Did I become bad? Was I even worse than before? I bit my lower lip discreetly not to show my confusion. He simply chuckled.

-In the good way. Edward was so surprised when Kayal told him about how you saved him!

-H-he told... Edward...? I stuttered suddenly feeling embarrassed.

We weren't getting along pretty well recently, and I was scared of what he could think about me after all I said and did... Alphonse chuckled once again then told me his brother's exact words:

-He said "this girl is weird, but we must bear with her or Mustang will kill us"!

I frowned, suddenly vexed.

-I'm going to kick his ass later.... I mumbled looking away.

We both laughed as I tried to get out of my bed, grabbing my beguiles. Ugh... I was so dirty... How was I supposed to take a decent shower with my cast?? And where was the shower anyway? And my suitcase? So many useless questions in fact...

-I'm going to take a shower alright? I told Alphonse, then I'll come with everyone.

-Won't you need help?

-So innocent... I muttered for myself, no thanks! I'll be alright with my alchemy!

I was about to leave when I stopped.

-Where are my things? And the bathroom? I asked him sweatdropping.


I was alright. A good shower, clean clothes, and the world is awesome again! I went downstairs, doing the best I could with my beguiles, focused on my thoughts, when I missed a step and ended directly on the floor. I was welcomed by a general laughter, for my greatest embarrassment as I looked stupid, struggling with my beguiles to stand up. Kayal gave me a hand and helped me up.

Wind of hope {FMA OC fanfiction} - UNFINISHEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora