Religion ; a reason to live?

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I don't believe in any god. To me, those are only stupidities, but when I see faithful praying their god, I can't help thinking I can somehow understand them. You see, some people need a purpose, a reason to live. For those faithful, they only live for their god. For Edward and Alphonse Elric, their only purpose is to get their bodies back, no matter what.
And for me? I still don't really know. Before meeting the Elric brothers, I was suicidal. I lost any desire to live. So I guess it's hard for me to find a reason now...
I always thought that, if I were to die, lots of people around me would be sad. That was as right as it was wrong. My brother and even my teacher would be sad, maybe, but the world would just keep going on, ignoring the loss of a single and so little human. I was nothing in the universe, and I was now plainly aware of it.
If I have to say an only reason though, then because the world is beautiful and I want to explore it entirely.
I know what you will say. This world is cruel, there's sickness, war, horrible things. But there aren't just bad things in our life, and for that one and very reason, I want to live.
The world is as it is, but I think we have to take life as it comes, no matter if it's good or bad, and accept it as it is. That's for me the best way to enjoy being alive.

-Karen Mustang-

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