Human transmutation

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"In alchemy, you can't get anything without any sacrifice. That's the Equivalent Exchange law. It applies for all type of transmutation; if you want to create a bridge, you'll need a large amount of material. But if you want to transmute a table, you'll need less. If the law is not respected, the transmutation cannot work, that's why an alchemist needs to know exactly what he needs."

-Laws of Alchemy, Book I-

I won't come and say I didn't read that. This book was the first I read when I started to learn alchemy and when my teacher took me under her great teaching.
So why did I try the impossible and attempted a human transmutation, the greatest taboo of alchemy, forbidden by both the state and the alchemists?
I don't have any answer. I would say it was... Out of despair and ideas.
You see, when Katy died, it was like the whole world fell onto my shoulders and it was more than I could carry.
I did not pretend I would succeed at an impossible thing like human transmutation, but the slight hope I had could make me sacrifice anything - and I insist, anything - to see her smile again, hear her voice again.
Katy was my unique friend at this moment, and I never had any other before.
According to me, we, simple humans, are able to do unimaginable things just to fight against sadness. And I am not different, far from this.
That's why, when I met Edward and Alphonse Elric the first time, I didn't feel pity at all, like other people would do, but mostly admiration - because they both are great alchemists, mostly Edward the youngest state alchemist - and this curious feeling telling me we are all humans, equal in front of the universal laws of being.
One is all, and all is one.
If they learnt that with their teacher, I also did with mine. But knowing this law didn't avoid us attempting human transmutation did it?
I'm glad I met those two amazing friends, with whom I share the same pain, and the same hopes.

-Karen Mustang-

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